Page 339 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
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residency and maskat political agency for the YEAR 1001-1002. 65
TABLE No. 11.
Slaltment showing the Total Number and Tonnage of Vend* of each Nation that entered at
the Pori* on the Aral Coast of the Persian Gulf (hiring the years 1899, 1900, and IDOL
Pailixo. Stray. Total.
No. of No. of No. of
Vessel*. Ton*. Veiscl*. Ton*. Vessel*. Ton*.
1909 10 700 4 3,200 11 3,900
British. 1900 8 500 2 1.C0O 10 2. ICO
1901 6 760 G 62,200 ! 21 62.030
1899 8 ICO 8 160
Tnrkiah 1900 6 120 0 120
•{ 1901 10 300 10
1899 200 4.000 200 4.000
Mvkat 1900 160 3.000 150 3.000
■t 1801 200 6.000 ••• 200 5.000
1899 220 4.400 220 4.400
Arab - 1900 220 4.400 220 4.400
■1 1901 *200 4,1.00 209 4.000
1899 400 8,000 400 8/01
Persian ■ 1900 375 7,500 375 7.50»
1901 400 S,000 400
1899 838 17.260 4 3,2°0 812 20, ICO
Total 1900 769 15,680 2 l.GOO 701 17,180
1901 815 j 18,030 6 52,200 821 70.250
TABLE No. 12,
Statement shoving the Total Number and Tonnage of Vessels ef each Nation that cleared from
tin Ports on the Arab Coast of the Persian Gulf during the years 1S99, 1900, and 1901.
I Saiuxo. Straw. Total.
No. of No. of No. of
Yc.kCl*. Ton*. VCMtU. Ton*. Vestel*.
1899 9 630 4 3,200 13 3,830
British 19'0 ! 7 490 2 1,000 9 2,or*, i
•{ 1901 6 750 6 52,200 52.950
I 11
1809 I 8 ICO 8 160
Turkish 1900 6 160 IN 6 160
1901 10 300 10 300
1899 200 4.000 200 4.000
■i 1901 150 5.000 • M 150 6.000
M»«Ut 1900 3.000
(1899 60 609 60 60*)
Arab , A • 4 1900 109 2.000 ICO 2,0(0
(.1001 100 2/100 100 2,00*)
.^1900 400 8.000 400 8,000
376 7.600 • •• 375 7,6* W
1901 400 8,000 400 8,000
■{ 1899 667 13,290 4 3,200 071 10,490
T.ATAL 1900 638 13.110 2 1.600 610 14,7)0
1901 716 10,050 6 62,200 721 68,260