Page 336 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
P. 336
Statement showing the Total Value of Principal Articles imported into the Porte on the Arab
Coast of the Persian Gulf during the years 1809, 1900, and 1901—continued.
1899. 1900. 190U
Principal •« rtlrlc* and principal
coonltWa from wlilcb imported.
Quantity. Valao. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Vila#.
Rs. Rs. R».
Leatiieb, iSD Mancfaciubss
Saddlery, Harness, Soots
and i>hoes, etc.—
Mask at . • • • 300 • •• 220 350
Bahrein . . . . 210 o 11
Per.-ian Porta . • 1,600 300 360
India • • •• 600
Mi.akat . 210 • ••
Persian Port* 975 1,050 1,000
Mats a>*d Mat Eaos—
Turkey . 510 pieces 510 600 pieces 500 500 pieces 600
Mnskat . • 12.000 „ 12.0G0 10.000 „ 10,000 12/>X) H 12,000
Bahrein . • 15.00 „ 22.050 12.000 * 21.000 12,«»0 „ 11.000
Persian Ports 27.000 „ 21,000 20,000 „ 10,000 22,'XK) „ 22,000
Metals —
Copper— 3,300
Ind'a • NO owts. 4.050 80 curls. 3,200 SO cwts.
Persian Ports 3o0 „ 12,000 250 „ 10,000 250 „ 10,000
Tin- 1,200
India • 15 cwto. 1.200 16 cwts. 1,200 15 cwls.
Pcr.-ian Ports 45 „ 3.C00 45 „ 3,000 50 4,000
Iron— 4*X) owts. 4,00)
Iiniii 4»'»0 cwts. 4.S00 <00 cwts. 4,OX) 800 „ 8,000
Persian Ports 750 „ 9,210 GSO „ 6,500
Brass— 70 cwt*. 2,000
India • • • 200 cwts. 3.000 75 cwts. 2,250 4,500
r. r*ian Ports • 200 ., 0,000 150 „ 4,500 150 „
Oiler sorts of Jletals— 9,100
India . « • 1,000 cwt6. 12.900 700 cwts. 9,100 700 carts. 6,600
Persian Ports • 3«X> „ 3,900 400 „ 5,000 400 *
jrrr'ri** 4,000 soo eases 3,600
J.iia . 900 eases 3,000 600 cases 2,500 500 •* 2,250
M a-k-*t • • 900 3,600 6"0 „ 32,500 7,000 n 31,500
Peirian Purls . 6,180 ” 24,720 6,500 „
Other sorts of oils 350 cwts 2.100 350 csrt*. 2,100
India • 400J cwts. 8.010 3.500 w 24,500 3,500 * 24,600
Turkey • 3,000 Ft 50.100 3,860 550 m 3,860
Persia* Poets 450 Ft 9,000 550 „
30,000 •H • •• 10,000
Turkey •
Ma-'kat • SSI ••• 1,2*5,000 SN 1,00,000
Peralao Port* 69,990
Ro*ttcatcr— 300 SO cbojs. 320 SOcboys. 3?0
Trrkey • 90 cboys. 1,200 1,300 350 m 1,350
Pcraian Ports 275 „ 325 m
Other sorts of perfumery— 9,930 ••• 8,000 ••• 7/500
India • • y,s«o 10JtM
M^kst . • It 1,600 • M 17,000 20,000
Persia* Port* • 94 19,600 •44
POIClll» A»P ClIWWAM- 4,500
PoreeUln — 4,500 ••• 4.000 Ml 7,000
India • ••• 7,500 ••• 0,400
Persia* Ports •••