Page 100 - Protestant Missionary Activity in the Arabian Gulf
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                     Chanter I: DIIAYIF ALLAH AND THE FIRST PIONEERS (1339-1914)
                               1 .... .
                                Stephen Charles Neill, Christian Missions: Pelican
                     History of the Church, vol, 6 (Grand Rapids, 19o4)', P« 303.
                     Neill provides an excellent concise history of missionary
                     activity on a world scale and a thoughtful analysis of the
                  ' missionary leaders who formed Victorian missionary ideology,
                     pp. 243-450.

                               ^James A. Field, America and the Mediterranean NorId.
         P           1776-1832 (Princeton, 1969) Chapter Vi, •'Like almost all the
                     Board’s Near Eastern efforts, the Constantinople mission,
                     founded by William Goodell, was concerned not with the Moslem
                     community but with the Christian churches." p.177.

                               ^Alfred DeWitt Mason and Frederick J. Barny, History of
                     the Arabian Mission (New York, 1926), p. 196.

                               4lt was not until 1924 that the Reformed Church in America
                      (RCA) gave official recognition to the Arabian Mission by amal­
                     gamation into the RCA Board of Foreign Missions, ibid.. pp. 233-

                               ^Samuel M. Zwemer, Field Reports of the Arabian Mission
                     no, 1. January - April 1892 (.New York, 1892), p.3. The'Arabian
                     Mission published' quarterly a summary of "Missionary News and
                     Letters" for "Private Circulation among the Friends of the
                     Arabian.Mission." These quarterly reports were published by
        P            the Reformed Church in America in New York. From 1889 to 1902
                      (nos.1-40) they appeared under the title of "Field Reports
                     from the Arabian Mission," from 1902 to 1949 (nos. 41-215)
                     under the title of "Neglected Arabia," and from 1949 to 1962
                      (nos. 216-250) under the title of "Arabia Calling." Presumably
                      several hundred copies we re mailed out. There is a complete
                      file of this publication in the office of the Board for World
                     Mission, RCA, 475 Riverside Drive, New York, N.Y. and another
         ;            in the Archives of the RCA in the Gardner A. Sage Library of
                      the New Brunswick Theological Seminary, New#Brunswick, N.J.
                      Hereafter, these letters and reports will be referred to
                      simply as, for instance, Neglected Arabia, no. 215, Winter,

                               6Ibid   • f  p.5.

                               7Ibid.. p.4.                                                .

                               8F_ield Reports of the Arabian Mission, no. 2, April -
                      June, 1892, p.10.
                               ^Fieia Reports, no. 2, p.8.

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