Page 102 - Protestant Missionary Activity in the Arabian Gulf
P. 102

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                                20Ibid        P. 4.
                                          • 9
                                ^Reverend Gerrit J. Pennings, "Laying of the Corner­
                       stone of the Busrah Hospital," in Neglected Arabia, no. 73,
                       April-June, 1910, pp, 6-9.

                                22Kuwait Ministry of Guidance and Information, Kuwait
                       Today; a Welfare State (Nairobi, 1963), p. 41, and Mrs.
                       Korothy B. Scndder, "The Beginnings of Medical Work in Kuwait,"
                       an address presented to the Family Development Society of
                       Kuwait on 4 April, 1976 at the Kuwait. Sheraton, a3 part of a
                       seminar entitled, "The Future of Medical Services in Kuwait,"
                       p. 1. (RCA Archives, New Brunswick).

                                 2^Reverend Gerrit J. Pennings, "Work at Kuweit Reopened,"
                       in Neglected Arabia, no. 74, July-September, 1910, pp. 11-14.

                                 2^Reverend Frederick J. Barny, "Bahrain Parish Letter,"
                       in Neglected Arabia, no. 67, October-December, 1908, p. 7.

                                 ^"Educational Work, Bahrain, 1908," in Neglected Arabia,
                       no. 69, April-June, 1909, p. 10.

                                    Samuel M. Zwemer in Field Reports, no, 8, October-
                       December, 1893, p. 5.

                                 2^James Cantine, "Busrah and Bahrein," in Field Reports,
                        no. 22, April-June, 1897, p. 6.
                                    Sharon J. Thoms, "Six Months in Bahrein Dispensary," .
                        in Neglected Arabia, no, 43, July-September, 1902, p, 4.
                                 29john Van Ess, "What 'Are We Here For?" in Neglected
                        Arabia, no. 86, July-September, 1913, p. 17.-

                        Chanter II:         THE ARABIAN MISSION COMES OF AGE (1915-1933)

                                  •^Dr. Arthur K, Bennett, M.D. "Red Cross and Red
                        Crescent Work in Arabia," in Neglected Arabia, no. 93,
                        April-June, 1915, pp. 5-8.

                                  3-it i3 interesting to compare the'Basrah hospital’s
                        role in the early 20th. Century with the role of the American
                        University of Beirut hospital in 1976, which also treated
                        both sides in the Lebanese civil war (Syrians, Palestinians
          !              and Phalangists) with equal solicitude and without payment.

                                  ^2India Office. Library of Records, Orbit House, Blaclc-
                         friar’s Road, London. Arabian Correspondence. See especially,
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