Page 107 - Protestant Missionary Activity in the Arabian Gulf
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07Reverend Dirlc Dykstra, "Allah the Talk but Money
the Goal,” in Neglected Arabia, no. 214, Autumn, 1948, p. 5.
^Reverend I-I.A, Bilkert, "Some Problems in Evangelism,"
in Neglected Arable., no, 139, October-December, 1926, p, 9,
Billcert listed (1) Islamic traditions, (2) Western education,
(3) Western imperialism and materialism (carpet baggers),
(4) Islamic social solidarity, and (5) the "partial truths"
of Islamic teaching, as the five main obstacles facing the
••• evangelistic missionary.
89VI, Harold Storm, Annual Report of the Arabian Mission
for 1938, in Neglected Arabia, no, 185, April-June, 1939, p. 15.
9°Donald R0 Macneil, "Community Witness in Kuwait,"
in Arabia Calling, no0 233, Winter 1954-1955, p. 6.
^See PenningSj loc„ cit., and Reverend B.D. Hakken,
"A New Phase in Mi s si on Si story ,1? In Neglected Arabia, no,
177, October-December1936, pp. 11-13.
92Dr. Harold W, Storm, Whither Arabia: a Survey of
Missionary Opportunity (New York7~1936), pp. 56-57.
^Storm, Annual Report of the Arabian Mission for
1938, in Neglected Arabia, no. 135, April-June, 1939, p. 15.
^Dykstra, "A Study in Reinforced Concrete," in
Neglected Arabia, no. 171, April-June, 1935, pp. 3-6.
•^Mylrea, "The Opening of the Olcott Memorial Hospital,"
in Neglected Arabia, no. 186, July-September, 1939, pp. 3-7.
9^Dr. W. Wells Thoms, "The Substance of Things Hoped
Por," in Arabia Calling, no. 225, Autumn, 1951, pp. 3-6.
97storm, "Qatar Dispensary - Its Development," in
Neglected Arabia, no, 212, March, 1948, pp. 6-7.
■98Three of Kuwait's missionary doctors died and were
buried in Kuwait: Dr. Mylrea (1952). Dr. Gerald Nykerk (1964),
and Dr. Lewis R. Scudder, Sr. (1975). Dorothy Scudder, loc.•
cit • t p. 2.
^Annual Report of the Arabian Mission for 1955, in
Arabia.Calling no. 242, Winter 1955-1956,. pp. 8-10.
100Dr. Esther Amy 3arnes, Annual Report of the Arabian
Mission for 1943, in Neglected Arabia, no. 202, January-
June, 1944, p. 5.
101F.J. Barny, ed., Annual Report of the Arabian Mission
for 1944, in Neglected Arabia, no. '205, January-June, 1945, p.23.