Page 112 - Protestant Missionary Activity in the Arabian Gulf
P. 112

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                         143lnterview with Reverend Harold Davenport,
                  Bahrain, May 1974 and Arabian Mission Minutes Iron
                  19735 meeting in Oman, p. 7.

                          ■'■‘^Interview with Reverend and Mrs. Harvey Steal,.
                  Muscat, September 1972 and Arabian Mission Minute a                                                      - —
                  from 1973 meeting in Oman, p, 6,                                                                         ‘ i

                          145rcA Board of World Missions listing of
                  missionaries as of December, 1373, (RCA Piles,
                  New York),

                          146j.Trs Rose Fykerk, "Minutes of the Meeting of
                  Representatives of the Arabian Mission, held 21-24
       #          March, 1973 in Muscat, Oman,'' (ROA Archives, New
                  Brunswick, N.Jc)

                          l^Arabian Mission Minutes from X~)73 meeting
                  in Oman, pp» 12-13, (Resolution no, 10J,

                                                                                                                   • ii
            Chanter V:         IN RETROSPECT: AN EVALUATION OP THfi ARABIAN
                               MISSIONS SUCCESS AFD PAILURES

                    148John Van Ess, "What Are We Here Por?,? in Neglected
            Arabia, no, 86, July-September, 1913# P« 17,

                    149-gieanor Calverley, in Neglected Arabia., no, 95,
       rj October-December, 1915; p. 7,

                      "^Photograph printed in Neglected Arabia, no. 126,
             July-September, 1923, p, 11»

                     151 Storm, loc, cit        ,» j  pp, 56-57.                                                  ■ ■■■ i

                     •^Stephen Runciman, A History of the Crusades (vol. 3)
             (Cambridge, 1951)> Conclusion.

                     •^•^^Zahra Preeth, Kuwait Was My Home (London, 1956), p.80.

                     154iMd., p. 80.
                     155Ihid    .«»  p. 80.

                     ^-^luallim Aziz Mukhtar, in Neglected Arao                             no. 183,
             Octoher-Decemher, 1938, pp. 11-12.

                     •^Dr. Paul Harrison, Doctor in Arabia (New York, 1940)»
             p. 63.
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