Page 116 - Protestant Missionary Activity in the Arabian Gulf
P. 116


                 R/15/3/3/2 & 3 Dr. Thoms Reporting to American Authorities
                 R/15/5/3/3              American Mission in  Arabia (Kuwait)
                 R/15/2/H/4              Arabian Mission, Bahrain
                 R/15/2/16/2 & 3 Correspondence with the American Mission
                 R/15/5/313              Missionary Activity  (1904-1909) Kuwait
                 R/15/5/314              Missionary Activity  in Kuwait (1930’s)

              '■ The following interviews were conducted v/ith missionaries of
                 the Arabian Mission while researching this thesis:

                 Interviews v/ith Dr. Donald Bosch, Reverend and Mrs. Harvey
                      Staal, Dr. Harvey Doorenbos and Hr, Jack' Sims, Jr, during
                     visit to Muscat, September, 1972.

                 Interviews v/ith Dr. and Mrs. Lewis R. Scudder, Sr. during visit
                      to Kuwait, December, 1972,

                 Interviews with Reverend Harold Davenport, Mrs, Rose Nykerk,
                     and Mr. Ted Scudder during stay in Bahrain, Spring, 1974.

                 Interviews with Reverend and Mrs. Lewis R. Scudder, Jr. during
                     visit to Kuwait, June, 1974.

                 Interviews with Reverend and Mrs, Edwin M. Luiae, v. New Bruns­
                     wick and Teaneclc, N.J., February, 1977.

                 Interviews with Reverend and Mrs. Lewis R. Scudder, Jr  0 9
                     Hew Brunswick, N.J., February, 1977.

                 PUBLISHED WORKS
        c                                                                                                                 A

                 Anderson, Gerald ... v } u,- rheology of the Christian Mission.
                     New York: I-IcGraw-Hill, 1961", .

                 Berger, Morroe, The Arab Worlu •L'odav. New York: Doubleday, 1962.

                 Calverley, Eleanor T. M.D, My Arabian Days and Nights: a Medical
                     Missionary in old Kuwait. New York: Crowell, 1958.

                 Chamberlain, Mrs. W.I. Fifty Years in oreign Fields: China.
                     Jan an, r India. Arabia. A History of Five Decades of the
                     Y/oinenks Board of Foreign Missions, Reformed Church in
                     America. 1875-1925. Rew York: V/iil'rl, RCfA,' 1925/

                     ^ James A. America and the Mediterranean World. 1776-1882.
                     Princeton: Princeton University Yress, 1969.

                 Freeth, Zahra. Kuwait Was My Home. London: George Allen and
                     Unwin Ltd., 1956.  ——————

                 Freeth, Zahra. , & Winstone, H.V.F. Kuv/alt: Prospect and Reality.
                     London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd., 1972.

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