Page 113 - Protestant Missionary Activity in the Arabian Gulf
P. 113
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3-58lbid.. p. 65.
-I-^Related in interview with Reverend L.R. Scudder, Jr • :>
New Brunswick, 22 February 1977.
•^°Zwemer*s books (and titles) differ markedly from
such sjonpathetic studies a3 Jolin Van 533*3 -Meet the Arab
(New York, 194-3) and Paul Harrison*3 The Arab at Home
(Crowell, 1924) and Doctor in Arabia "(New York, 1940j.
■^Interview with Reverend Edwin M. Luidens, Teaneck,
N.J. 21 February, 1977.
. # Paul Harrison in Neglected Arabia, no. 104, January-
March, 1918, p, 5 and Mrs. van Peursem in Neglected Arabia
no . 166, Octdber-December, 1933, P. 9.
•^-^^James D. Belgrave, letter to Captain C.G-.Prior,
dated Bahrain 22 December 1929 (India Office Library of
Records, London) R/15/2/1/32 p» 2.
■^■^^Interview with Reverend Edwin M. Luidens, Teaneck if
N.J • 9 21 February, 1977.
^-^^Perhapg because of the paltry conversion figures,
the missionary quarterly teports are very vague on this
kind of statistical information. Outside of Harrison1s claim
of five converts at Tanbaram in 1938, there is no clear
attempt that I can find to report an exact count of conver
sions from Islam to Christianity as a result of the Arabian
Mission's efforts. The figures listed above were estimates
provided by L.R. Scixdder, Jr. in June of 1974 and seem to
be consistent with the other information .availaole..
l66ftfpjie impac-t 0f Protestant Missionary Activity in
the Gulf on Women’s Liberation," would seem to be an ex
cellent area for some future study,
167 John Van Ess, "Reflections of a Quarter Century,”
in Neglected Arabia, no. 146, July-September, 1928.
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