Page 115 - Protestant Missionary Activity in the Arabian Gulf
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                    Christian Congregation," a memorandum presented to the
                    Common Council of the N.E.C.K, on 14 June, 1974.

                    Scudder, Lewis R., Jr. "Background Essays on Kuwait and
                    the Christian Ministry," studies prepared for private
                    circulation among friends of the Arabian Mission, 26
                    February 1975.                                                                                         ' J,

                    Van Ess, Dorothy. History of the Arabian Mission. 1926-
                    1957. (an unpublished manuscript tracing missionary
                    work since the publication of the first history of the

                    Van Ess, John. The Sermons of John Van E33. (an unpublished
        #           collections of sermons and notesJT™

           Board of World Missions of the Reformed Church in America.
                    Reports, Memoranda and Records maintained in the Reformed
                    Church's central office at 475 Riverside Drive, Hew York,
                    N.Y. Following specific documents have been referred to:
                    Arabian Mission Medical Study Team, "Report of the Arabian
                    Mission Medical Study Team to the Beard of World Missions
                    on a Comprehensive Study of the Mission Hospitals in ._ie
                    Gulf - Kuwait, Bahrain, and Muscat/Mutrah," delivered on
                    9 November 1966,

                    Buteyn, John E, "Report on the Hospital Closing and New
                    Programs in Kuwait-," a revised version of the presents.'
                    tion delivered to the Board of World Missions on 13 April

                    Buteyn, John E. "The Medical Program in Oman and'Proposed'
                    Transfer of Mutrah Hospital Property to the Oman Ministry
                    of Health," report prepared in April, 1974*.

                    General Program Council, Reformed Church in America.
                    "Agreement with the Sultanate of Oman Ministry of Health
                    on the Status of Mission Hospitals in Muscat 'and Mutrah,". "
                    9 December 1970.

                    General Program Council, Reformed Church in America.'-
                    "Agreement of the GPC with the Sultanate of Oman Ministry
                    of Health on the Status of the Arrahma (Mutrah) and
                    Assaada (Muscat) Hospitals," 6 April 1974. ■

           India Office Library of Records. Foreign Office Correspondence:''
                    Files.(Correspondence records are maintained at Orbit :
                    Hoixse, Blackfriars-Road, London, England). The-following'
                    specific pieces of correspondence have1 been.referred to:-'

                    R/15/3/6/6              American Mission to Muscat, 1908-1935
                    R/15/2/1                American Mission to Bahrain

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