Page 114 - Protestant Missionary Activity in the Arabian Gulf
P. 114
The/\rabian Mission. Missionary Hews and Lett fcers - a Quarterly
Report for "Private Circulation among the Friends of the
Arabian Mission," and published under the title of Field
Reports from the Arabian Mission (nos 1-40) from 1339 to
1902. Neglected Arabia (nos 41-215) from 1902 to 1949,
and Arabia Callim; (no's 216-250) from 1949 to 1962.Hew
York! the Arabian Mission of the Reformed Church in Am
erica, 1839-19620 (File copies of this publication are
r maintained in the Archives of the Reformed Church in
America, Hew Brunswick Theological Seminary, Hew Bruns
wick, H.J. and the Reformed Church9s central offices at
475 Riverside Drive, Hew York, H,YC
Archives of the Reformed Church in America. Papers, notes.
photographs and records of missionary work, maintained
in the Dutch Church Room of the Gardner A. Sage Library
of the Hew Brunswick Theological Seminary, 29 Seminary
Place, Hew Brunswick, H.J. The following specific docu
ments have been referred to:
Maltby, Lt.Col. R.G, (ret). "The national Evangelical
Church in Kuwait from its Origin until December, -976,"
an address delivered to the Annual General Meeting of
the English Language Congregation of the H.E.C.K, on
2 February 1977.
Mylrea, Dr, C. Stanley.G. Kuwait before Oil., (an unpub
f lished manuscript containing memoirs written from 1945
to 1951).
Hykerk, Rose. "Minuses of the Meeting of Representatives
of the Arabian Mission, held 21-24 March 1973 in Muscat,
Scudder, Dorothy B. "The Beginnings of Medical Work in
Kuwait," an address presented, to the Kuwait Family Dev
elopment Society at the Kuwait Sheraton on 4 April,
1976, as part of a seminar entitled "The Future of
Medical Services in Kuwait."
Scudder, Lewis R., Jr. "The Missionary in the Secular
Institution," a paper presented at the meeting of the
Arabian Mission held in Muscat, 21-24 March, 1973®
Scudder, Lewis. R. Jr. "Discussions and Recommendations
Concerning the Hature of the national Evangelical Cnurch
in Kuwait and the Status of the Kuwait Town Malayalee