Page 111 - Protestant Missionary Activity in the Arabian Gulf
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                Tying the Kuwait hospital closure, although several mission­
                aries had pointed out that this was a probable result to
                Mr. John James, the New Tori; investigator and negotiator,
                See: Arabian Mission Medical Study Team, "Report of the
                AMMST to the Board of World Missions on a Comprehensive
                Study of the Mission Hospitals in the Gulf - Kuwait, Bahrain,
                and IIuscat/Mutrah," 9 November 1966 and John E, Buteyn,
                "Report on the Hospital Closing and ITew Programs in Kuwait,"
                prepared for the Board of Foreign Missions on 13 April, 1967.

                        •^-'’^General Program Council, RCA, "Agreement with the
                Sxiltanate of Oman Ministry of Health on the Status of the
                Mission Hospitals in Muscat and Mutrah, 9 December 1970.
                 (Board of World Missions Piles,;s Hew York).
       i                •^^General Program Council, Reformed Church in America,
                 "Agreement with the Sultanate of Oman Ministry of Health on
                the Status of the Arrahma (Mutrah) and Assaada (Muscat)
                Hospitals," 6 April, 1974 and John. Ee Buteyn, "The Medical
                Program in Oman and Proposed Transfer of Mutrah Hospital
                Property to the Oman Ministry of Health," April, 1974,
                 (Board of World Missions Files? Hew York), This latter
                 document referred to past mission history in- Kuwait and
                Bahrain (withdrawal vs co-operation) in justifying the                                                    :»
                 Oman policy,                                                                                           • if

                        ■^^General Program Council, RCA "Agreement,,," April 1974.

                          -^Interview with Ilfs, Rose Hykerk, Bahrain, May 1974
                 is the source for specific figures on the Mission activities
                 in Bahrain in 1973, The general comments about the bookstore
                 operations are the author’s own observations while stationed
                 in Bahrain from 1972 to 1974. The Arabian Mission’s Minutes
                 from the 1973 meeting in Muscat (pp, 7-10) also provide a
       #         good short summary of the Mission’s status in Bahrain at
                 that time,

                         ^^Tisit to Muscat, September 1972 and interviews with
                 Dr, Harvey Doorenbos, Dr, Donald Bosch, Reverend and Mrs,
                 Haivey Staal, and Mr, and Mrs. Jack Sims, Jr, Also see
                 Arabian Mission Minutes from March, 1973 meeting in Muscat,
                 p, 6 (RCA Archives, New Brunswick)..

                         ^Oyisit to Kuwait, June 1974 and interviews with. Reverend
                 and Mrs. DR. Scudder, Jr,, and Dr, & Mrs, B.R. Scudder, Sr,
                 Also see Muscat 1973 meeting Minutes, p, 5.

                         •^Interview with Rev. L.R, Scudder, Jr„, New Brunswick,
                 22 February 1977 and Muscat 1973 meeting Minutes, p, 5.

                         -^^Dewis R. Scudder, Jr. "Discussions & Recommendations
                 Concerning the Nature of the National Evangelical Church in
                 Kuwait and the Status of the Kuwait Town Malayalee Christian
                  Congregation," 14 June, 1974. (RCA Archives, New Brunswick).

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