Page 108 - Protestant Missionary Activity in the Arabian Gulf
P. 108

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                                 Barny, ed     • >  Annual Report of the Arabian Mission for
                    1933, in Neglected'Arabia. no. 168,' April-June, 1934, pp. 3-15.

                                 W.H. Storm, "The Arabian Mission and Service Men,"
                    Rachel Jackson, "Canteen Work in Basrah," and G.E. De Jong,
                    "Acceptable Invasion," in neglected Arabia, no. 206, July-
                    September, 1945, pp. 3-11.*"

                            •^^Storm, "Qatar Dispensary - Its Development," in
                    Neglected Arabia, no. 212, .March, 1948, pp. 6-7.

                            ■*-^Ann il. Harrison, A Tool in His Hand: the Story of Dr.
         6          Paul W. Harrison of ArabietTNe^^orkY'l958j. p. 165.
                                 Storm and Harrison, Annual Report of the Arabian
                    Mission for 1953® in Arabia Call!ng„ no. 235, Spring, 1954,
                    P » 14 ®

                            107pr^ Louis Pa Dame, Annual Report of the Arabian Mission
                     for 1933, in Neglected Arabia. noe .168, April-Jtine, 1934, p. 13.

                            l°8Mr's. Paul V/. Harrison, Annual Report of the Arabian
                     Mission for 1935, in Neglected Arabia, no. 174, January-
                     March, 1936.

                                 Paul Harrison, "A Great Door - Many Adversaries,"
                     in Neglected Arabia, no. 198, October-Deceraber, 1942, pp. 3-
                     23, and Barny, Annual Report of the Arabian Mission for 1943,
                     in Neglected Arabia, no. 202, January-June, 1944, p. 4.

                                 Storm, Annual Report of the Arabian Mission for 1951,
        w            in Arabia' 227,Spring, 1952, pp. 13-14.

                             lUlnterview with Reverend Lewis R. Scudder, Jr,^ New
                     Brunswick, N.J., 23 Pebriiary, 1977.

                             ^^Quoted by Reverend G,D. Van Peursem in "America in
                     Kuwait," Neglected Arabia, no. 142, July-September, 1927, pp.7-8,

                             113^6 American Mission' property, the' British Political
                     Residency, and some property privately owned by Colonel H.R.P.
                     Dickson, are the only pieces of land that were ever actually
                     owned by foreigners in Kuwait and not rented.

                             H-^-Quoted by Mylrea, "Old Times Evening in Kuwait,"in
                     Arabia Calling, no. 220, Summer, 1950, p.10. Dr. Mylrea
                     then asked for, and was granted, a plot of land 270 feet by
                     300 feet, on which to build his hospital and mission resi­
                     dence, Pifty-nine years later, in Bahrain, Shaikh Isa bin-
                     Sulman al-Khalifa welcomed a visiting group of retired mis­

                     sionaries. Turning to Dr. Edwin M. Luidens and Miss Cornelia
                     Dalenberg, he reportedly expressed his happiness at seeing
                     the missionaries return and declared that they would always

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