Page 104 - Protestant Missionary Activity in the Arabian Gulf
P. 104
^Interestingly enough, the Arabian Mission never had
more than forty full-time missionaries in the field at one
time, even in the busiest part of the 1940’s and 1950’s.
46james Cantine, "Baghdad, 1921," in Neglected Arabia,
no. 117, April-June, 1921, pp. 15-17.
4?Dr. Louis P. Dame, "Touring Inland Arabia,"in Neglected
Arabia, no. 130, July-September, 1925, pp. 3-6. -
48c.S.G. Mylrea, "The Thin Edge of the Wedge," in Neg
§ lected Arabia, no. 92, January-March, 1915* pp. 17-22,
Mylrea, op. cit.. pp, 72-73,
5°Ibld.. p, 74,
5%ason and Barhy, op, cit.,, pp, 199-200.
Mylrea, op. cit., p. 92.
' !i
^Ibid.. pp. 89-96 and Mylrea, "The Enemy at the Gates,"
in Neglected Arabia, no, 117, April-June, 1921, pp. 3-7.
54p.j, Barny, ed., Annual Report of the Arabian Mission
for 1933, in Neglected Arabia, no. 168, April-June, 1934, p. 3.
^These students were distributed as follows: Basrah.
Boys’ School of High Hopej286), Ashar Girls' School (90),
School (90),
Bahrain Boys' School (151), Bahrain Girls’ School (ill),
Kuwait Boys' School (28). Annual Report of the Arabian Mis
sion for 1932, in Neglected Arabia, no. 164, January-June,
1933, pp. 9-11.
John Van Ess in the Annual Report of the Arabian
Mission for 1930-1931, in Neglected Arabia, no. 161, April-
June 1932, p. 10.
5?John yan Ess, "After Twenty Tears - an Appraisal,"
in Negiected Arabia, no. 162, July-Septeraber, 1932, pp. 3-7.
5®James D. Belgrave in a letter to Captain C.G. Prior,
da.ted Bahrain, 22. December, 1929. India Office Library of
Records, London, Correspondence Pile R/15/2/1/32.
■^Zahra Ereeth, Kuwait Was Mv Home (London, 1956),
Chapter VII, "The American Mi3sion.n
^Eleanor Calverley, "The Arab Woman and the Lady
Physician," in Neglected Arabia, no.'126, July-September,
1923, P. 3.