Page 104 - Protestant Missionary Activity in the Arabian Gulf
P. 104


                             ^Interestingly enough, the Arabian Mission never had
                    more than forty full-time missionaries in the field at one
                    time, even in the busiest part of the 1940’s and 1950’s.

                             46james Cantine, "Baghdad, 1921," in Neglected Arabia,
                    no. 117, April-June, 1921, pp. 15-17.

                             4?Dr. Louis P. Dame, "Touring Inland Arabia,"in Neglected
                    Arabia, no. 130, July-September, 1925, pp. 3-6.                              -

                             48c.S.G. Mylrea, "The Thin Edge of the Wedge," in Neg­
          §         lected Arabia, no. 92, January-March, 1915* pp. 17-22,

                                Mylrea, op. cit.. pp, 72-73,

                             5°Ibld.. p, 74,

                             5%ason and Barhy, op, cit.,, pp, 199-200.

                                Mylrea, op. cit., p. 92.
                                                                                                                               ' !i
                             ^Ibid.. pp. 89-96 and Mylrea, "The Enemy at the Gates,"
                    in Neglected Arabia, no, 117, April-June, 1921, pp. 3-7.

                             54p.j, Barny, ed., Annual Report of the Arabian Mission
                    for 1933, in Neglected Arabia, no. 168, April-June, 1934, p. 3.

                             ^These students were distributed as follows: Basrah.
                    Boys’ School of High Hopej286), Ashar Girls' School (90),
                                                                                           School (90),
                    Bahrain Boys' School (151), Bahrain Girls’ School (ill),
                    Kuwait Boys' School (28). Annual Report of the Arabian Mis­
                    sion for 1932, in Neglected Arabia, no. 164, January-June,
                    1933, pp. 9-11.

                                 John Van Ess in the Annual Report of the Arabian
                    Mission for 1930-1931, in Neglected Arabia, no. 161, April-
                    June 1932, p. 10.

                              5?John yan Ess, "After Twenty Tears - an Appraisal,"
                    in Negiected Arabia, no. 162, July-Septeraber, 1932, pp. 3-7.

                              5®James D. Belgrave in a letter to Captain C.G. Prior,
                    da.ted Bahrain, 22. December, 1929. India Office Library of
                    Records, London, Correspondence Pile R/15/2/1/32.

                              ■^Zahra Ereeth, Kuwait Was Mv Home (London, 1956),
                    Chapter VII, "The American Mi3sion.n

                              ^Eleanor Calverley, "The Arab Woman and the Lady
                    Physician," in Neglected Arabia, no.'126, July-September,
                    1923, P. 3.


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