Page 26 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 26
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(a) British.,
As foreseen last year there has ‘been a decline in
the number of British ships in 1941* Only 69 chips as againa
113 in 1946 and 151 ia 1939 oalled at Bunhiro. Only a chips
of the 8trlok Una galled this year as against 27 in 1940.
British India steamers* however, enjoyed a groatly increased
chare of chipping in the Gulf during the yoar0 The imports
and exports carried hy thoir chips showed an aggregate in-
orease of 130$ on the figures fbr 1940*
(h) foreign.
Japanese. Cfcly four*ships of the Kitsui Line
called at Buahiro, during fobruary-Eay, and leper tod 628 tons
of goods consisting of poroelainware, glassware, woollen
yarn, matches, and sundries. The exports consisted of 471
tons of raw cotton and th3 balance (28 tons) largely of gun
Pntnh*. Only one Butch steamer of the Silver java
Bacifio lino callod at Buchiro during the year under review
bringing no inports hut exporting 10 tons of opium for Batavia,
Ettltod States of /J?rr5.oa. There has been a small
increase in the number of steamers fron the united States of
America during the year, fourteen chips called aa against
10 ships in 1940, importing 1440 tons aa against 420 tons in
the previous year. Imports oan&oted of tyros end tubes#
brasoworo, radios^ auto parts, and othor general goods#
Besides these thoy imported 1428 oases of motor cara and
lonles, Exports in these ships totalled 957 tons aa against
812 tons in 1940 and oonsiotod of gum tragacanth only# Th®
ships wore mostly of the Isthmian lino#
Itftllrn# Bo Italian ship called.
jftrrmirn, Three Borvcgian ships oall'od importing
a total of 4650 tons of sugar and toa for tha Iranian
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