Page 21 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 21


           sohoola for boys and 2 elementary and 1 secondary 8ohool for

           glrlc* No atepa have 'been taken to improve the very low atandard
           of a duo at ion and many of thoae who oan afford to do a®! prefer
           to oend their children to aohool in Shiraz, The fault Ilea
           mainly with the aubordinate teaohera who are generally of very

           poor quality. They are badly paid and take little interest in
           their work and auoh supervision ae exists is ineffectively and
           auperficially oarried out#

                   The education office at Bandar Abbas, which for some
           reason was previously controlled by the Bushire Education Depart­
           ment, haa now been placed under the control of Kerman*
                                  Health and quarantine Department,
                   Dr.Faria remained as Chief medical and quarantine Officer

           until the 20th ilarch. Dr, Hamed Siadat who was appointed to
           euocced him did not arrive in Buehira until the 26th June,
                   In December a severe epidemic of emallpox broke out in

           Buchire, Dashti and Tangistan, Vaccination was carried out in
           Bushire and the more easily accessible parts of the districts
                  The Bushire hospital which haa accommodation for 20 in­

           patients is the only hospital in the Governorate# A second
           s£all hospital was recently oompleted at Borazjun but so far it
          ha3 been used as a reaidence for the head of the Borazjun

          Eoonomica Department, The Buahire hospital is miserably
           equippod and the medicinea and drugs supplied are inadequate,
          even for the -needs of the town#
                                    Buehire Municipality#

                  in spite of the fixed allotment for the Buahire Munici­
          pality! having been raiaed from Hiala 300,000 to Riala 380,000
          little or nothing of importance was achieved by thla body during

          the year* The preBeing problem of a proper water supply for the
          town waa again ehelved and there la atlll no reliable supply
          of elaetrio current*
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