Page 18 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 18


                      small bridges, and the lining of portiono of the distributaries,
                     ia now oomplote, This projeot has brought under poronnlal

                     irrigation an area of florae 12,000 heotoroa and it ia to be hoped
                     that State aid and direction will be forthcoming to ensure that
                     this land is cultivated to the fullest extent pooaible and that
                     the moat suitable crops are grown on it#

                            Some surprise wae caused by the appointnent of a Military
                     Governor for Buehire on the l<5th September, Colonel Malik Eaarif

                     who waa appointed to the post, waa previously military officer
                    in charge of Daehti and Tangiatan. Ho moved hio headquarter a
                    to Buehire on the 21§t May and waa in command of the Buahire

                    garrieon at the time of the Allied occupation. Apprehension
                    over hi a appointnent loosened however when he was known to have
                    boea responsible for effecting considerable improvement in the

                    issue of bread from the bakeries.
                      Snuggling of contraband goods,- The downfall of the old
                    regime and the consequent weakening of government authority eaw

                   a big increase in the snuggling trade, eapeoially through the
                   Daohti and Ton gist an port8. The various small Shaikhs and Khans

                   of these areas seized the opportunity to try and throw off the
                   restrictions which had previously hampered their smuggling
                   operations and as & first step attaoked and disarmed many of the

                   muoh hated road guards. Customs officials were then left with
                   no seans of enforcing their authority and the closing of the
                   Buahire Naval Bureau ended the possibility of preventitire

                   measures by naval oraft. There seems little doubt that these
                   petty ohlefs have been able to aaugglo/emnll quantities       of arms
                   and ammunition In addition to other goods#/

                     Revenue and Economics Department       During the year theoe
                   two Department* whioh had previously been plaood under

                   direotors, were again amalgamated under the oontrol ot the
                   head of the Plnanoe Department# The reason for      this w&f
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