Page 17 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 17
monagod by Mr.Bragonza.
The Imperial Bank of Iron • • The Bushlre branch of the B^nk
was managed throughout the year by Hr. Tagg.
The Anglo-Iranian • Oi 1 Co .Ltd.- Mr. Jalil Sohat was in charge
from the lot January to the 23rd Hay, when he was suooeeded by
Hr. Bamadani.
Vioito of Hie Majesty’s Ships— E.H.A.B.Yarra visited Bushire
on the 22nd October and left the same day.
S3CTI0H 3.
Gove mor • — Aqai Hir Ali Zahir from the let January to the
14th August. Aqai Ismail Nawab from the 15th August to the 5th
September. A^ai Hir Ali Zahir from the 6th September to the 18th
September. Lieut.-Colonel Abdullah Malik Naeri from the 18th
Septccbor to the 13th November. Captain Abdullah Hujab, aa
Acting Governor, from the lQth November to the end of the year.
Local administration pursued its usual lothargic and in-
offactive course during the year, most of those responsible having
concerned themselves more with their oY/n pockota than adminiotra-
tive improvement. The year opened with the dismissal for embezzle
ment and oorruption of Aqai Khakpur, an official sent from Tehran
to inspeot the Bushire Boonomios Department. Later in the year
Muhammad Ismail Nawab, head of the Municipality, was summoned to.
Tehran to attend an enquiry into complaints of corruption which
had boon brought against him. Towards the end of the year
Captain Iafandiari who, though a capable officer, had previously
earned himself a reputation for "uniquely sucoeoeful corruption".
was appointed as head of the Road Guards* In December charges
of embezzlement and oorruption were mads against the Chief
Military Reoruitlng Officer who was eventually removed and his
office closed.
'The only development worthy of mention is tbs irrigation
project at Shabankereh, which with the exception of a number of