Page 20 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 20
Shah and no attempt was made by the Road Department to improve
the very rough portion 'from Buahire to Borazjun, Prom September
to the end of the year repair work was hampered and sometimes
brought to a standstill by the unrest and deterioration in
security which followed the Allied occupation,
a. Bushire-Virusabad road•- This road Is still uncompleted
and no work was carried out during the year,
3, Bushire-Lingah coast road «— Ho repair work was dona on
this road whlah was seldom If ever used even by Iranian officials.
4* Bushire-Bandar Rig-Ganaweh road, 1 This is no more than
a traok which is In plaoes difficult to follow especially after
a sandstorm when traoea of other vehicles are obliterated. The
Rud Hilloh river is crossed by a ferry consisting of two boats
lashed together and supporting a platform. Vehicles up to two
tons can use the ferry. The rivor Shur has to be forded but the
bed of the river la firm. The banks of the river are howevor
very steop and lorries have considerable difficulty in negotiat
ing them. This road is only motorable in dry weather,
5, Ganaweh-Gaoh Saran road, - This road is entirely maintain-
ed by the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company and is in a good state of
6, Genaweh- Bandar Dilua road#- The Anglo-Irani an Oil Company
appear to bear the expense for keeping open this road which is
only motorabls in the summer. Very little work was done on it
during the year, repairs being almost entirely oonfined to
plaoes where small streams have to be orossed,
land Registration*
Ths activities of the land Registration Department wars
oonfined mainly to the Buehlre and Borasjun areas. Ho new
off loos were opened during the year and the branoh at Bandar
Rig was closed in November, *
Bushlro and dlstriot has 14 slementary and i secondary