Page 15 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
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                                  for 1041.

                                  SECTION U
             Poruonnel,- The undermentioned officers held appointments
          as stated during the year.
            Political Resident and Consul-General.- Lieut •-Colonel
          C.Q.Prior, G.X 0S. from 1st January to the Slot Ootoher 1941

          when he left to take up his appointzaent as a member of the
          Middle Bast War Council, He was succeeded by Lieut,-Colonel
          W.R.Hay, C,X.3,

            Secretary and Consul,- Captain A.C.Stewart throughout the
            Vice-Consul,- Hr. C.R. latimer, I.C.S, from the 1st January
          to the 10th April. Captain H.P,0*0,Tandy from the 3rd June

          to the 3lst July, Hr, T,3.Rogers, I.C.S. from 1st August to
          the end of the year.
            Under Secretary to the Politioal Resident       Hr. B.3.Thoma8

          from 1st January to the 15th January, Hr, J.Croning, H.B.B  •9
          1,8,0, from the 15th January to the 7th Haroh and from the
          Cth Harch to the 13th Ootober, Hr. R.Z.Hallows from the 14th
          Ootobor to the end of the year.

            Residency Surgeon,- Lieut.-Colonel J.J,Rooney, I,H,S, from
          the 1st January to the 3th April when he died following a brief

          illness.  Dr, Easoy held charge of the post from the 6th April
          to the 3rd August when he was suooeeded by Major R.Holmes,
            Assistant Surgoon,- Dr, R.Bassy throughout the year.
            Confidential Assistant,- Hr, H, Lester from the 1st January

          to the 7th April and from the 9th April to the 13th OQtobs*,
         Hr, J.Oroning, U.B.B., X.8.0,, from the 14th October to tht

         ond of the year.
            Registrar and Treasury offioer.- Hr, 8.A,Tanner frou the
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