Page 390 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 390

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                 (o) Producing Field
                       Activities in the field during the year wore alnoat
                 entirely devotod te the rehabilitation of wello which had
                 bo«a olosod down in 1942 in accordance with tho Oil Dentil
                 Soheae#   The progress of this work was noro rapid than was

                 expected with the result that tho field was roturnod to a state
                 approaching its former degree of flexibility earlier than had
                 been anticipated#   By the end of tho year only oight of the
                 original fortyono tolls included in tho Denial Scheme remained

                 to be rehabilitated# No work of a development nature was
                undertaken and only minor repair works were carried out to
                producing wells#
                 (d) Inport of Arch lan American Crude Oil
                       The total imports of Arabian American crude oil amounted
                to 71137,773 not barrels and this was handled through tho
                Zollaq marine terminal# in 1942 tho Zollaq equipment had been
                augmented to ycrmit of tho handling of crude at a maximum rata

                of O,CC0 barrels per operating duy and although up till this
                year this high level was never attained it was found necessary
                                                 - •
                in order to deal with increased crude requirements necessitated
                by tho new construction programme to overhaul the existing

                equipment and augment the handling capacity to 45,000 barrels
                per operating day#
                      As a part of the Refinery Expansion programme a twelve

                inch erode oil line running froa the neighbourhood of Zellaq
                to the Refinery has been completed# The work of laying a
                twelve inch submarine line froa the Arabian ABerloan Oil
                Coepany's premises has been undertaken and it Is hoped that

                the Bahrain Island section will be linked to the submarine
               line early in 1043 and that it will then ba possible to pasty
               Arabian laoricaa crude direct froa the producing area to the
               Bahrain Petroleua Company's Refinery*

               <•> r.etfr-v*
                     Drslcj t&a year ttsflw ?wlcro a total of 13,723,223 fcarysl*
               of esxCo vsr# prccaasod In tLs ncflsary. ehl^zcr.ta of
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