Page 8 - Christianity among the Arabs
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I’ecriture, de la Langue et du Calendrier ArabesComptes
           Rendus de I’Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres

           (2014), pp. 1033-1128; LaTla Nehme, “New Dated Inscriptions
           (Nabataean and pre-lslamic Arabic) from a Site Near al-Jawf,

           Ancient Dumah, Saudi Arabia,” Arabian Epigraphic Notes 3
           (2017), pp. 121-164.


           Peter Akkermans, “Living on the Edge or Forced into the
           Margins? Hunter-Herders in Jordan’s Northeastern Badlands
           in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods,” Journal of Eastern

           Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies 7A (2019),
           pp. 412-431.

           3. Konstantin Klein, “How to Get Rid of Venus: Some

           Remarks on Jerome’s Vita Hitarionis and the Conversion of
           Elusa in the Negev,” in Arietta Papacostantinou, Niel Mclynn,

           and Daniel Schwartz, eds., Conversion in Late Antiquity
           (Surrey: Ashgate, 2015), pp. 241-266.

           For the complete publication of this inscription, see Ahmad
           Al-Jallad and Ali Al-Manaser, “The pre-lslamic Divine Name
           'sy and the Background of the Qur’anic Jesus,” Journal of the

           International Qur’anic Studies Association 6 (forthcoming).
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