Page 96 - Gulf Precis (VI)_Neat
P. 96
74 Part I.
encouraging extended cultivation, and not by hampering trado nod agriculture, as under the
existing Byatom.
The salaries of all Government servants (from the highest and lowost omployd, including
the private soldier), which were soquoatrated by the Porte for the month ofi August, hnvo
aggregated for tho wholo provinco 4,43fl purges, which amount has been already forwarded to
the capital in specie. Tho forced contribution demanded from tho population, and aggro-
gating 7,000 pursos, ia in courao of collection.
No. 51, dated tho 12th December lflCO.
From—Colonel Sir A. P. Kendall, llor Britannio Mnjcily'a at Baghdad.
To—Ilia Excellency rn« Bight Hon'olr Loud Lyons, o.o.d., Her Britannio Majesty’* Ainbaa.
aador, Cooatantinoplo.
Tho compensation recovered from tho plundorers of tho caravan coming from Aleppo is
found to fall short of one-fourth of tho value
Political A., January 1807, Not. 14G-147.
tho property which fell into their hands. This
issue, though, indeed, reflecting credit upon tho management of Namilc Pasha as productivo of
a ro*ult more substantial than that which usually attends tho ostensible efforts of tho Turkish
Executive to savo appoarunccs, is an additional instance only of their powcrlessnoss in such cases.
Nor does that result represent an unmixed grain, for the Sabaa and Fidaan offenders, angored
at tho co-operation of Sheikh Abdool Muhscn against thorn, hnvo resorted, or pretended to
resort, to retaliation, and, while seeking to surprise his outlying adherents, have intercepted a
caravan with money to the amount of 35,000 G. S. purses passing from NcjjcCE to Korbcla,
which they have carried o(T.
As illustrating Turkish raodo of procedure with rospcct even to tho simpler form of high
way robbery, apait from tho organized depredations of Uedowin tribes, I beg to submit to your
Lordship copy and translation of a letter which I addressed to Namilc Pasha in August last
in a case concerning the property of a British subject, togother with a copy of the Report of
the Governor of Kirkook to Iiis Excellency on the same subject. Thcso papers speak for
thomselvcs. I need hardly observe that tho portion of value duo by tbo robbors, who, though
•known, have evaded apprehension, has never been recovered.
Burglarios aro by no means of unfrequent occurrence in this city, to often attended with
murder, and during the past month three have
b.« eon.™^ ^ «... »
owmr of tho liomo, wbo. thiugli threo time* stubWil, In no case, however, can I recall the conviction
wm not killed, bad i>* the scuffle torn oft (ouie buttons of the burglars ; the official opinion being that tho
from the uniform worn by kuMMilaata. This uniform institution of the Tanzimat when not supplc-
mny, o couric, ovo ecu «*«uinc . mcntcd by the machinery of police as organized
in Europe forms a9 offcctual bar to tho detection of malefactors. In ono of tbo three instances
ubovo mentioned the Oflicc of a British Indian
CJ Thi' “,n WM,aid do"n ftnd li'lhroat deliberately Merchant was forced and his watchmant killed;
but as on a former occasion, when tho same
Office was robbed of £1,500, tho perpetrators were discovered and lodged in jail, yot effected
their escape under circumstances which implied the connivance of the Zabtich, I may on the
present oocasion anticipate no bettor result when the burglars succeeded in putting out of the
way the only witness of their act. Lest murder should follow, people, conscious of the ineffi
ciency of tho Police, though aware of the prcsenco of thieves in their houses, abstain from
giving the alarm.
The Bedowin, Jneteh, and Shammer tribes are now again moving to their northern and
western pastures. Though hero and there they have not refrained from pilfering the settled
districts, their conduct generally has been free from wilful depredation.
Dated the 2nd Auguxt 1SGC.
From—Colonel Sia A. B. Kemdall, Her Majesty's Consul-Goncral at Baghdad,
To—His Exckllenct Mahomed Namik Pasha, Gorcruor-Goncral, Baghdad.
A halo containing G5 pieces of calico, of the value of 423 J kerans, belonging to Agha
Mahomed Hussein, having been robbed last year
Ibid. in the month of July on the road between Sharo-
ban and Bacooba, some of tho robbers wero apprehended, and imprisoned by Tukkee-eu-dcen
Consequent upon repeated orders from your Excclloncy that Officer has at length suo*
ceeded in recovering from the individuals in question the sum of I4S kerans, which lie ia
forwarded to Baghdad, and he reports that tho balauce is due by ihcir associates, who aro s i
: at large.
I beg, however, to submit to Your Excelloncy that the pract’co of holding each ro >
responsible for his share of property plundered in company is scarcely just. In commen
transactions the liability of a partner may very properly be limited to the amount o ap •
: he may have contributed to tho concern; but such a principle oould hardly be ox tern
malefactors, and l venturo to hope that Your Excellency will be pleased to C°H*PC‘ .,c
duals actually in custody to make good tho balanco still due to Agha Mahomed Ilussoin.