Page 218 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
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                                                        Records oj Bahrain

                                                                      Political Agency,
                             No .'V1383.
                                                                  Bahrain, 10th September 1944*
                                   Major T. Hi^kinbotham, n«I.B«9 G.B.E.,
                                           Political Agont,
                                   The Advisor to tho
                                           Bahrain Govornmont,
                                                 BAHRAIN .BUDGET
                                   1 havo tho honour to inform you that 1 have boon uiroctod
                             by the Government of India to forward tho following observations
                             on tho Bahrain budgets for 1368 and 1363.
                             1. Bahrain Budnot - 1362.
                             (a) Eloctricnl Department
                                   Tho accounts of the Bahrain Eloctrical Department and the
                             budgot for tho Bohruin Elentrieul Department were kept separate
                             from tho Stoto budget and the State accounts.   This la not con­

                             sidered to bo the correct procedure as tho asaota of tho Electrical
                             Department should bo shown as Stato assets and tho Department

                             ohould bo budgotod for in Exactly tho same way as othor doportmonts
                             of the Qovernmont.
                             (b) Public Works Denartmont
                                   It io coneidoi’od that tho Public V/orks Department should be
                             a major hooding and ohould includo "Upkoop of Hoods and Qovornment
                             Buildings", "Tho Shaikh Hamad Bridge", and "Public Works - Now
                            Buildings"•    Tho doportraont should bo shown on tho r avenue side
                             of the budgot as well as on the expenditure side.
                                   In view of the foct that th.9 municipalities ore responsible

                            for tho upkoop of their own ronde and grants    'muni''ipalitie a
                             amounting to fc.51,COO nro mado by the Government to acsist than in
    '                       carrying cut this work it is desirable for the murlicipal budgets
                             to bo shown in tho Annual Koporta.
                             (o)   Item No.10 undor "Expenditure" is incorroctly worded for
                            no contribution is made for tho "Holiof of tho Poor" although it
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