Page 220 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 220
208 Records oj Bahrain
(d) School Poos.
It is noted with surpriao that whilo the annual expenditure
! on education io forecast at Ks.4,60,000 the annual anticipated
contribution towards non-technical education paid by the people
of Bahrain would appear to be Rs.4,300.
C o) Stnto Knfllnoor'q Deportment.
"The Shaikh Hamad Bridge" uhould moreippropriatoly bo adminis-
tored by the Public Works Department tuvl not by the Stnto Engineer.
It is surprising to note that no depreciation ha3 boon "barged on
tho cone truetion for the post two ynora.
There appear® to be no satisfactory explanation why the
telophono aorvi^o and tho nir conditionor aorvi^o are consistently
run at a looe when tho deficit can be expunged by increasing the
charges to balan^o tho expenditure, At preuent tho deficit is
borne by tho general public who ueo electrical current for lighting
or fnne.
Political /gent, Bahrein.