Page 225 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 225
Budgetary affairs 213
(* I ^ ft- My d. A|/j /(f^)
C- C_r..*li_»_. c*- Lw-cl*y *V» I v-s.
The estimated receipto for the year 1364 amount to
48 lakhB, the estimates for expenditure amount to Re.38
lakho and an excess of revonue over expenditure of 10
lakhs is anticipated which will he added to the Reserve
Fund •
Oil Royalty 27 lakhs.
1. The actual receipto from oil royalty in 1363 were
Rs. 27,88,000/-; for 1364 royalties are estimated at 27
lakhs. There seems no reason to suppose that the output
of Bahrain oil will deorease during 1364. The oil con
cession provides for a revision of the royalty payment
but the time for this revision is still compatatively
2. Customs Reooipto, Rs. 16, 60, 000/-.
Customs Receipts produced Rs. 20,40,000/- in 1363.
In the budget for that year they were underestimated. A
difference of Rs. 4,80,00Q^- has been allowed between the
1363 actuals and the 1364 Budget expectation. The 1363
actuals included certain payments on account of imports
during 1362 andL in view of the lowering of prices of
piece goods in India it is likely that duties on these
goods will decrease.
3. Interest on Reserve Rs. 3,20,000/-.
This represents the income from the State Reserve
Fund whioh is invested in Government of India Stock and
British Saving Bonds.
4. Medical Receipts Rs.45,000/-.
The actuals for 1363 were Rs.56,000/- most of* this
came from Service patients fees. The establishment of
other service medical facilities in Bahrain is likely
to reduoe the number of patients.
5. Land Revenue Rs. 31,000/-.
In' estimating the Jand revenue at Iobs than in
1363 consideration has been given to the abnormal land
prices obtaining during 1363 and the impro'bability of the
land boom lasting.
6. Education Receipts Be. 19,000/-.
v* decrease of Rs. 1,500 has been allowed undor this
needing, fewer foroign otudents are attending the schools.
Vehicle Taxes, etc. Rs. 25,000/-.
d . H appears unlikely that the domand for motor
ra»rt?P5 ?il1 a8aume the Jarfce proportion that it has
imn * ln recont years and nd new cars are being
j“Ported publio, it therefore seems probable
aL revonue from this, souroe will decrease.
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