Page 226 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 226

214                        Records of Bahrain

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                                 8.   Passport Rocoipto Rs. 10,000/-.
                                      A large number of new Boh rain passporto were
                                 iooued during the second half of 1363 Wiich raiood the
                                 income from thie1 eouroe above the normal amount.
                                 9.    Judicial Receipt a Rs.20,000/-.
                                       Important civil caoco arc more and more infrequent,
                                 poaoibly owing to the prooperity in the country and
                                 fewer fines were collected in 1363 than in 1362. Judiolal
                                 Recoipto aro estimated at Ro. 13,000/- leer, than wao
                                 collected in 1363.
                                 10. Bridge Tolla. Rs. 20,000/-.
                                      The possibility of a revision in the scale of
                                 charges for military vehicles has been taken into
                                 account in estimating this revenue at Rs. 26,000/fr
                                 loss than the actuals of 1363.
                                       Under the heading in 1363 was included the pries
                                 obtained by Bale of some cattle belonging to the
                                 Government sale of some surplus Police rations to the
                                 Pood control Department and a sum of Rs. 56,000/-
                                 refunded to the Bahrain Government from the Pood
                                  Control Department against a loss amounting to this
                                  sum which was sustained in 1362.

                                  1.   Allowances to the Ruling Family - Rs. 13,20,000/-.
                                       This expenditure comprises one third af the
                                  estimated oil royalty and the Civil List, whioh is a
                                 fixed amount. Pensions are th own separately as the
                                 pernono who recoivo paymaito under "Pensions/1 are not
                                  members of the Ruling Family.
                                  2.   State Departments Rs. 3,03,000/-.
                                       In the estimates for Customs and Land Departnents
                                  provision has been made for some additional staff.
                                  3.   Judicial Rs. 96 ,000/-.
                                       Provision has been made for two additional Kadis
                                  to fill vacancies in the Shera Courts.
                                  4*   Education Rs. 4,19,000/-.
                                       There is an Increase of approximately one lakh in
                                  the oost of Ecucation. In the boyfe' schools provision
                                 has been made for the pay of the new Egyptian teachers
                                 for twelve months as well as for higher rates in pay
                                  to manyi.of tho local teachoro. The second primary
                                  ochool which startod in Manama last year was not open
                                 A »n*i n rr   ’ffhclc yC5T, tho CCot wf. thief In nuw illduuea
                                  in the Budget. In the girls* schools some new Syrian
                                  teachers have been omployed and a new school started in
                                 Manama. The cost-of books and materials has increased
                                  considerably and a second religious school, under the
                                  direction of the Sunni Kadis-has been opened.
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