Page 227 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 227

Budgetary affairs                     215
                                  - 3

          5•   Publie Health Bo. 4,72,000/-.

               Provioion has been made for a number of nurses
          whom it is hoped may be obtained Curing the-year. At
          present the hospital is undorotoffcd. The price of all
          drugs and applianoeo are higher than beforo and the coot
          of feeding patients has risen considerably.
          6.   Defence and Protection. Rs. 8,00,000/-.
                The heavy increase in the expenditure on the Police
          and Nature is due to the high rise in their pay which
          came into force at the beginning of the year. A certain
          proportion of this expenditure including the Spocial
          Police, the provisionfor British Police and port of the
          Natur force can be regarded as war time measures.
          7.   Public Works. Rb. 1,95,000/-.

               Provioion has been made for a full Public Works
          Department staff though at the end of 1363 only a skeleton
           staff existed. The grant for upkeep of roads and buildings
          has been increased.
           8.   Municipalities. Rs. 87,000/-.
                The contribution by the Government to each Municipality
          has beon increased by Rs. 12,000/- per oinum.
           11. Agriculture.
                It is proposed to extend the Government garden at
           Budeyo during the coming year and fundo have been allowed
           to cover the cost of fencing and labour.

                The other expenditure hoadingo do not seem to require
           any particular comment or explanation.
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