Page 223 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 223
Budgetary affairs 211
Family. and that wldoaprond indignation would be
4. Finally, tha proportion quoted In the abovo
mentioned lettor requlroa some examination. Any
officer on tho intornal oide and especially ono who
has bean on forolgn service In a State* is well aware
that a paper Privy Purso of 10 or 16 per cent of the
Revenue ie a very different figure In actual practice
unloas tho Finance Offiaer and tho Accountant General
aro both sorvanta of the Qovornraont of India. Thon,
In on Indian State tho main source of lnoome lo land
revenuo. which ia loviod at an exceptionally high rate,
and It ia only reaBonublo that the Ruling Family
should content themselves with 10 or 16 per cent of It.
In Bahrain, hoaovor, tho position is entirely different.
Thera is no land revenue or aaknt, and the main source
of revenuo contributed by the public is a vory light
customs duty. As ia well known, thoir wealth arises
from their mineral possessions, and in ensuring that
only one third of this falls into tho hands of the
Ruling Family, I .feel that a very great deal has
alroaay been aohlovod. In actual fact there is no
shortage of money whatever in Bahrain and tho real
problem is not as it fonaerlyrwqo. how to save money,
but the happier one of spending It wisely.
I havo tho honour to be,
Ycmr most obedient servant,
Political Resident, Persian Gulf.
no. ie<r-s
dated l<b'.