Page 219 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 219

Budgetary affairs                    207

        in truo ’that the Bahrain dovornment do diatributo food to the
        poor •  It la suggested thnt tho hooding ohould bo "Emorgonr’y
        V/tir Poor Hollef" to indiecto clearly that tho monsure is of a
        temporary nature.

        II. Bahrain Budget - 1363.
        (a) Qonoral
              It ic considered that unduo rautlon hns boon shown in the
        foro^net of the rovonuo figures for 1363 and that on tho expendi­
        ture aide the inclusion of various projects which wil] most almoat
        certainly ..never bo carriod out, owing to tho difficulty of obtaining
        matoriole and artisans, gives a rolsloadlng lmprossion of tho
        amount required to run the State Departments.
        (b) Revenue - ouatoms
              Tho aotuolu for tho yoar 1362 under thin hood amounted to
        fc.13,96,600 whila tho anticipated rocoipts amounted to only
        to.6,10,000.  In the present financial year tho State anticipate
        a revenue of Kg.8,60,000, that is, to.6,36,600 loao than vrna received

        laat yoar.   In viow of tho fact thnt imports have already docroased
        to a minimum and that thoro ux'O indie ationa thnt prices may bo
        oxpoctod to lncrouso a till furthor, to budgot for n 38 por^ ent
        fall in rovenuo from import duty, which is leviod on tho value of
        goodo Imported and not on tho quantity, io unnoc.oaeerily cautious,
         (o.) Judicial
              It in not considered roouonnbie to allow for n reduction
        in tiie Judicial revenue amounting to F*.34,500 duo to a decrease
         in finoe on the QHoumption thnt smuggling and food control offencos
        will bo less than In 1302.   Indications suggont thnt the reverse
        will bo tho case for scarcity of materials combined with high prlcei
         in neighbouring countries will tend to result in an increase in
         omuggling whilo human naturo being what it is no falling off in
         tho number of offone00 against Food Control Regulations could be
         expacted until thoro la a considerable fall in the prices of all

         commodities.   It must be aasumod that thoro will bo no deterio­
         ration in tho offioionoy of tho polico in bringing smugglers or
         profitoerors to book nor that tho Judges will lowor their standard
         of fines.
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