Page 254 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 254
Records of Bahrain
Cuotowa receipt including Duty, Rente,
Doat Liounsos & Miscellaneous rooeipts ha.24,40,212. 9. 0
Royulty on Oil • • 11 30,26,011. 2. -
Intorust on Reserve 3,43,545. 6. 3
Intoroot on Advance 1,02,109.10. -
Modloal rooolpts • • 55,179. 5. -
Land Revonuo • v 62,004. 4. 2
Education rooolpts 20,129. 4. 6
Vohiolo Ratios & Driving Lioonaos:-
Totnl rooolpts 56,990. 7
Loss; half our taxes puid
to the two Municipalities 14,412. O 42,577.15. -
Passport rooeipts • • 19.508.10. -
Judicial rooeipts and flues • • 33.231.10. -
Publio Ytorks:-
Bridge Tolls • • • e 02,953. 8. -
Oil Gquginn Fooe .. • • • • 69,852. 9.
Miscellaneous rooolpts 7,100. 9
Its. 64,00,650. 3. 2
Loan from Deposit Account ropuyablo 26,198. 7. 1.
.. i32,07,35i^_3i_S