Page 256 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 256
244 Records of Bahrain
No. 39 0-S.
Porolan Oulf Reoidonoy,
Oth April, 19 46.
Prom The Hon'blo Sir Oooffrey Prior, K.C.I.Ii • »
Political Rooldent, Persian Gull*.
To The Secretary to the Government of India
in the External Affairs Department,
I have tho honour to refer to Government of India
letter Ho. D.96Q0-ME/45 datod the 2nd Auguot 1945 regard
ing tho Bahrain,Stute budget 1364.
i •
2. I rogrot that It has not beon found poooiblo to
make much progrosn with the recommend attono of the
Government, of India. In tho firot place.tho abovo mentioned
letter waa rcoulvod in my absence and Mr. Bolgravo proceed
ed on loavo alinoot Immediately afterwarde, and it waa not
possible to take up the matter with him until my rooent
v l3i t to Bahrain. There had of couroe been an abundance
of oorreupondenco between myoolf and tho Politloal Agent,
but in the abocnce of the Financial Adviser to the State
it vfxu difficult to oomo to any tangible conclusions.
3. In the flrat place I foel thut I should • ao'mmon t
on the statement in pai'agraph 4 that Mr. Belgr'uvo Mhed
done bo m.uoh in recent yoarB to put tho financed of the
State on a oound footing", The faot io that Mr. Belgrave
iu at preoent the muin obstacle to any adrain 1btrative
luiproveiocnt in Bahrain. It io not merely the question of
the budget, though that could be curl tioioed from almost/,
every angle, but the general adiuinin tration of tho State
which roquireo overhauling from top to bottom. During
'tho war thio Residency waa kept uo ohort of of floors that
it was impossible to attend to raattero that wero not urgont
and until recently the Bahrain Stato were unable to obtain
pcroonnol or plant aooording to thoir roquiromonts.
Consequently it wan impoaaible either to make plans for
tho future or to oblige the Adviser to conform to a highor
otandard of efficiency. I have, in faot, begun to doubt
whether it will be pooniblo to make much improvement during
Mr. Belgraye'o tenuro of thin pout.
4. As rogurdn tho points mentioned In paragraph 6,
Mr. Belgrave has not apparently felt able to give effoot
to tho suggestions. I muot confess that I myself am
doubtful of their valuo in oo small a budget, and they will
huve the druwback that it would render comparison wi th past
budgets more difficult. b’urthor, it must bo iomomborod
that Mr. Belgrave is obliged to submit his budgets to Ills
Highness Shaikh Balinan wh03e grasp of f Imnoial mat tors is
somev.hat limited. In thio oonneotlon it io relevant to
/ mention...