Page 261 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 261
Budgetary affairs 249
THE agency
gcncral conditions of health and hygiene in Bahrain and the
money for this campaign, and for a project such as the new
water supply system, should not he provided from current
income nor even from the General Reserve Fund, but from
funds built up for such special purposes, The balance in
any year where the actual expenditure on Public Health or
Public ’’'orbs is less than the sum budgeted for might bo
credited to these separate heads. Thus a true account of
expenditure on public services would be maintained and general
allocation to the Reserve , the use of which is - and should
be - closely watched avoided. The Financial Adviser has
promised to adopt the proposals recommended in paragraphs
5 and 6 of Government of India letter No.D.9680-ME/45 dated
the 22nd August, 1945, in his next budget, and w<2 must hope
that this will help to create the separate reserve funds
suggested above. I enclose a copy of his letter. o. (fl
6. The amounts by which the Financial Adviser's 1365
estimates are greater or less than his 1364 estimates are
as follows:-
Increase in 1365. Decrease in 1365.
Us. Rs.
Oil Royalty 3.00. 000 interest from Reserve 1,30,000
Customs 4.00. 000 Medical Receipts 27,000
Land Revenue 9.000 Judicial Receipts 4.500
Education 1.000 Electric Supply
Passport Receipts 5,000 Department 71,000
bridge Tolls 70.000
Oil Gauging Fees 15.000
Miscellaneous 5,000
Increase in 1365. Decrease in 1365.
Rs. Rs.
Allowances to
Ruling Family 1,00,000 State protection 20,000
State Departments 68,500 Municipalities 9.000
Judicial Dept. 15.000 Agriculture 6.000
Education 1,95,500
Public Health 30.000
Public works 2,15,000
Oil Gauging 2,000
The Financial Adviser has estimated that there will be a drop
in bridge tolls, and I think this reasonable in view of the
departure of Service personnel from Bahrain. similarly the
evacuation of the R.A.F. wards in the Bahrain Government Hos
pital will mean a decrease in hospital receipts and the gradual
abandonment of war time regulations may cause a decrease of
receipts in the Law Courts. But his estimate that he will
receive only Rs.15,500 in Judicial fees as against Rs.33,231.15.0
in 1364 seems somewhat utopian. His figures for land revenue
?PPear unduly moderate, particularly when it is remembered
that both in 1363 and 1364 his actual receipts for this item
were much in excess of his estimates, vide paragraph 3 of this
/Agency i