Page 263 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 263
Budgetary affairs 251
10. It 1? Impossible sitting In my chair to hazard
more than a guess about the reliability of Delgrave's
opinion of Mr. Alav/1. personally I do not like the
sound of it at all, and do not hesitate to express my
opinion that a properly trained man of much higher
calibre is required. The chief auditor himself told
me that yearly he submitted some dO pages of audit
objections, and I think we should find that a properly
trained accountant is required. To enable me more
accurately to estimate the position I propose to discuss
the matter with the Financial Adviser. We need not go so
,closely into the state's internal workings by calling for
•a copy of the audit objections, but j should like to see
tone of his reports and propose to ask the Financial Adviser
[to show me one.
11. While on the subject of finance T should like to
point out that the State, acting on/Hesidency advice vide
Residency demi-official letter No.275-,G dated the 1st May,
1911, has a sum of 113 l.akhs Invested in Government of India
stock, i think wc should assure ourselves of the safety of
this money, and the position of its availability for re
investing elsewhere, now or later on, as may he thought
necessary in view of the Impending change of government in