Page 264 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
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252 Records of Bahrain
CONFIDANT IAL. Office of the
Political Resident, Poroion Oulf,
Cemp, Bahrain,
No. 0/240. the 6th June 1946*
X Will you pleaBe refer to your d,o. letter
No. 0/676 dated the 4th Juno 1946.
2. There are two points of outstanding importance
raised in your lettor and its onolooure which I wioh to
teko up at once. The firot is oontained In paragraph
11 of your letter. Would you kindly let roe know in
exactly what Government of India stook the ouin of 116
lakhe la invested in order that I may oonoult Woightroon
about its safety.
3, The second point is/th iat raised in Bolgravob
demi-official letter No, 601-21 of the 6th of Haroh
about the life of the oilfield, In order to obtain a
true ploturo of Bahrain finances it lo esuontlal that we
should know roughly how long tho income from the oilfiolA
is likely to remain at its present figure and when and
by what stages it is likely to doorcase, If you see no
objection 1 should be grateful if you would endeavour to
obtain Information from the Bahrain Petroleum Company on
this oubjeot and let me know the result.
Lt.-Qolonel A,C,OalJowey, O.B.B • t
Polltloal Agent,