Page 267 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 267
Budgetary affairs 255
Received under Bahrain Agency Printed letter No. C/820
dated 26th July 1946, with reference to paragraph b ol
Residency D.O. No. C/253 dated 8.6.46.
D.O. No. 1472-23SF. Adviserate, July 11, 1946.
A - '
Dear Galloway,
Reference your D.O. No. C/728 dated 8th
July, 1946.
The Bahrain Government spent approximately
'Etf60000 on the causeway and bridge of which 485000 was the-
cost of the bridge.
The Government has now recovered approximately
ft; 192000 against the cost of the whole work, out of this
sum 32000 has been set aside in a Bridge Depreciation Account,
The balance of the cost of the whole work
bridge and causeway, is Es 568000 the balance of the cost
of the bridge only is 293000.
To recover- the latter amount at the rate
of 28000 p.a. would take about 11 years. The sura of
28000 is the estimated surplus of revenue from the tolls
after deducting running expenses. Running expenses are
estimated at about 25000 p.a. and annual revenue at about
53000. Previous revenuo from tolls amounted to
1361 37.600
1362 36.600
1363 66,200
1364 98,800
The high figure for the last two years was mainly due to
the presence in Bahrain of a very large number of service
vehicles, R.A.F., Army, and U.S.A.T.G., which used the
bridge and paid bridge tolls.
Yours sincerely,
Lieut, Colonel A.G. Galloway, C.I.C. ) 0•B,E.,
H. 13.M's Political Agont,