Page 272 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 272

260                       Records of Bahrain

                                   COKPIPBHTIAL.                    Offioo of the
                                                             Political Resident, Persian Qulf,
                                   D«0>Ho»0/033i                    Gamp, Bahrain,
                                                                 tho 24 th July 1946.

                                            Belgrave told mo today that during tho war tho
                                  8halkh has boon oupp lemon ting tho allowances paid to his
                                  mxnorouo re la t Wes from hie own share of the oil royalties*
                                  Ho now finds himsolf short of monoy and wishes to reimburse
                                  himself by drawing from tho Stato treasury a oum of Rupees
                                  four or five lakhs whioh is roughly what he has opon.t on
                                  these additional allowances.   Ho also wishes to increase
                                  his Civil List by about Rs BO,000/- to be distributed amongst

                                  the various recipients in dearness allowances whioh it is
                                  his intention tq reduoe or withdraw aooordlng as dearness
                                  allowances paid to Qovemmont servants eto* are reduced
                                  or withdrawn^-
                                       2.   Belgrave told me that ho had not informed the
                                  Shaikh that he is mentioning the matter to me and that for
                                   the present he is trying to ohoke'hlm off*   He would be
                                   grateful for advioe regarding the course ho should folios.

                                        3.   Would you kindly let me have your views upon the

                              Li out .-Colonel A«0*Qalloway» 0* I*E* ,0*B.i£*,
                                     Politioal Agent,

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