Page 276 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
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264                       Records of Bahrain

                                                               POLITICAL AGENCY, BAHRAIN
                                n.O. NO.C/204.                  The 15th February, 1947.

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                                       Will you please refer to your demi-official letter
                                N0.1167-S of the 18th Decomber, 1946?
                                2.    (As rogards paragraph 8 of my demi-official letter o
                                No.c/576 dated the 4th June, 1946, I pointed the irregularity
                                out to Belgrave with the result that he has said that he would,
                                 in future, sign the statements and send them to me under cover
                                of an official document. The summary of revenue and expendi­
                                 ture as at the end of Jamad al Thani, 1365, (1st May, 1946),
                                 together with statements of revenue and expenditure for the
                                 same period has 3ince been received signed.
                                3. As regards paragraph 10 of my letter quoted above.
                                 I have seen a copy of the auditor's report, but was unable
                                 to learn anything from it. in fact, it was not a report
                                 written on the lines familiar to me, and so far as I could
                                 see no objections in the accounts were raised at all. The
                                 document consisted of a sheaf of papers on each page of
                                 which was an initial. There was no signature nor stamp nor
                                 date and a more ingenuous document I never saw, for it seemed
                                 to me to convey nothing but a tacit expression of satisfaction.
                                 I propose to take the matter up with the Chief Auditor,
                                 Mr. Madams, when he pays his next yearly visit to Bahrain.
                                 4.     With reference to paragraph 4 of my letter No.c/259
                                 of tho 6th March,  A great deal of progress has been made
                                 undor this heading.  Firstly a lady doctor has been engaged
                                 for a period of two years and another nurse has also been
                                 engaged, but with the resignation of Mrs. Goddon the situation
                                 as regards nurses is the same. It is, however, quite satis­
                                 5.     Generally, a Public Health Committee has been formed
                                 which meets monthly and deals with the various subjects which
                                 we have decided are tho most urgent, a great deal of work has
                                 been done. The Municipalities and tho Health Department are
                                 progressing. The most evident sign of advancement is the new
                                 women*s hospital in Muharraq which is due to be openod shortly.
                                        The next step the Bahrain Government is trying to
                                 achieve is the appointment of permanent school doctors, and
                                 Belgrave is endeavouring to enlist more Indians, male and
                                 female, for this work.
                                        As regards 6 and 7, relevant remarks are in paragraph 4
                                 above. Air conditioners have been installed in tho hospital.
                                 6.     As regards paragraph 9. The State Engineer now controls
                                 his budget as I suggested he should do.
                                                                               /7. As regards..*
                         The Hon'ble Lt-Col. V/.R. Hay, C.S.I., C.I.E.,
                                . political Resident in tho Persian Gulf,
                                ( '■••.pOEUTIM.   __1
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