Page 280 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 280
268 Records of Bahrain
mm Hi
B.,..Qa.FP,1783tB the 13th Octobert 1947
Pleap^refer to paragraph 6 of your demi-official
letter No.C/989 dated the let Ootober, 1947.
2. It appears that a 30 per cent dearness allowance was
granted to persons on the Civil List some years ago and that
this was paid out of the Shaikh*s styufo of the oil royalties.
In my demi-official letter No.302-Sy'dated the 26th Feb ruary,
1947, I agreed to the payment to the Shaikh from general
revenues of a lump sum of Rs.4 lakhs partly because the matter
was already a fftlt_accompll and partly beouase Belgrave both
verbally and in writing o.f. paragraph 6 of his demi-official
letter No.l760*9A dated the 16th August, 1946. to Ranee stated
that the Shaikh was really out of funds, butIaid not concur
in the future payment of the 30 per ceni dearness allowance '
from general revenues. In faot this point was not referred
to me. It la not clear whether this original 30 per cent
dearness allowance Is now being paid from general revenues
or from the 8halkh*s royalties nor from which source the
additional 20 per cent allowance is now bo be paid.
- Tp.ik*
3. If you see no objeotlon^would you kindly therefore
reply to 6mlth*s letter No.2234*22 dated the 20th September,
1947. and ask 4a4m to confirm the presumption that both the
original 30 percent allowance and the new 20 per cent allowance
will be met from the 8halkh*s share of the oil royalties whfcch
owing to increased produotlon has now risen to about 13 lakhs'
of rupees per annum.
Q.N. Jackson, Esquire, M.B.E.,
Political Agent,