Page 284 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
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272                       Records of Bahrain

                                 DtOt No.2022-6                       the 26th November 1947.

                                             Please refer to your demi-official letter
                                 No  •C/10^3 dated the 9th November, 1947, on the subject of
                                 the Bahrain Civil List.
                                 2.          I enclose herewith a copy of a very useful
                                 note whioh has been prepared by Croning.
                                 3.          I feel that before asking His Majesty* s Govern­
                                 ment for authority to inform the 8halkh on the lines proposed
                                 in paragraph 6 of Jaoksen*s letter you or I or both of us
                                 must endeavour to persuade him in a personal interview to
                                 meet all or part of the cost of the Civil List dearness
                                 allowance from his share of the oil royalties and that before
                                 we do this we must be very sure of our facts. For|instance
                                 Belgrave in his demi-official letter No.l760-9A dated the
                                 16th August, 1948, tries to make out that trie Shafckh really
                                 cannot afford to pay the allowance from this source. Can we
                                 counter Belgrave*s arguments ?
                                 4.          My view at present is that the grant of dearness
                                 allowance at 50% on Civil List salaries is reasonable under
                                 present conditions and that it is only the source from which
                                 it should be paid that is in issue. If you do not agree
                                 with this view you will no doubt let me know.

                           C.J. Pelly. Esquire, O.B.E,  i
                                  Political Agent,

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