Page 288 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 288

276                       Records oj Bahrain
                                 CONFIDENTIAL                      PERSIAN OULF RESIDENCY.
                                 DtO, Not2186-S                           BAHRAIN.
                                                                   the 19th Deoember 1947

                                       /    Please refer to your demi-official letter
                                 No.C/1191 dated the 14th December 1947 on the subject of
                                 the Bahrain Civil List.
                                 2.         I note that Belgrave has agreed that there iB
                                 no excuse whatever for the Shaikh's decision that the one
                                 lakh contribution which he previously paid' to the Civil
                                • List from his share of the oil royalty should no* be paid
                                  from general revenues.   Belgrave is the Shaikh's Financial

                                 Adviser and it is for him to point out to the Shaikh in the
                                  first place the impropriety of his action,   It is not clear
                                  whether he has done this or not.   If he has not, would you
                                  kindly suggest to him, if you see no objection, tjiat he should
                                  take action-on these lines now and let you know the result.
                                  3.         My own view is inclined to be that as the Shaikh's
                                  share of the royalty has increased from 10 lakhB to over 11
                                  lakhs he should contribute not only the lakh which he previous­
                                  ly paid but also the further lakh required to .cover the recent

                                  increases in cost of living allowance.   I am still however
                                  at a loss to know how the Shaikh expends his very large share
                                  of the royalty.   I have already raised tjiis point in paragraph
                                  3 of my demi-official letter No.2022-S dated the 26th November.
                                  Can you obtain any information on/the subject ?


                              C.J, Polly, EB^Uiro, O.B.E. ,"

                                   Political Agent  i
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