Page 289 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 289
Budgetary affairs 277
Copy of demi-official letter NO.508-22/2A dated 12.1.1948
from C.D. Bolgravo, Esq., C.B.E., Adviser to uhe Bahrain
Government, to C.J* Polly, Esq., ODE., political Agent, Bahrain.
------------ -V11- 2
Reference your D.O. No.C/1837 of 29th December 1947.
I was not present when the changes in the Civil List were
made, His Highness dealt with the matter during the summer
while I wa3 on leave.
2. The accounts of the privy Purse are kept in my office
and I operate on His Highness's account under his instructions
so apart from certain payments I have a fairly good knowledge
of how he spends his Income.
3. I enclose the figures of His Highness's income and
expenditure for the last year, 1366.
Pay and "Mosaadat" to AlKhalifah Rs. 3,52,136
"Mosaadat" to other than the
Khalifah 1,21,935
Pay of the Naim Tribe Rs. 25,459
HdUSehold servants and
departments 23,468
Gardeners 28,692
Office staff 10,177
Food ... ... 99,065
Transport (cars, launches, petrol etc,) 48,761
Upkeep of houses and gardens (only the
Manama Palace is kept up by the State) 1,37,080
Miscellaneous, including "Kasawi", clothes
given at Eids etc. and gifts) 2,09,511
Private expenditure, not recorded in detail 3,24,882
Rs. 13,81,166
INCOME 1366.
l/3rd of oil royalty 13,00,200
From Civil List 1,55,500
Rs. 14,55,700