Page 292 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 292
i 280 Records of Bahrain
D.O. No. C/277. The 17th March*, 1948.
I'/ i
■ Enclosed Is a copy of Bolgrave's letter
N0.758-22/9A dated the 12th February, 1948, which
. is the result of my speaking to him about tho
Bahrain Civil List increases as you asked me to do
in your demi-official letter N0.186-S dated the
2( January, 1948.
! 2. My comments on His Highness's "arguments"
are as follows
i I have no record of tho Shaikh having refer
red to Galloway, and presumably you have none. Tho
letter written by Smith to which Belgrave refers was
1 ! presumably the enclosure to Jackson's demi-official
letter No.c/989* dated tho 1st October, 1947, to
Galloway. The letter was far from clear on the
question of tho incidence of the increases sanctioned
I by the Shaikh, and it would have needed a clairvoynt
to discover that, as well as sanctioning cost of llVing
allowance,the Shaikh was going to charge a lac to the
II O State budget which he formerly paid himself.
3. The argument/ at (b) contradicts by implication,
that at (a), i.e. if the arrangement about oil royalties
was as stated by the Shaikh then there was no necessity
to refer to the Political Agent. I don't want to add •
to the considerable noting and correspondence on this
point, but Weightman's view of it as late as 1940 (vide
his demi-official letter No.C/285c^/l dated the 6th
April, 1940, to prior - paragraph 4)~ls interesting.
4. As to argument (c) the point,\I think, is as
made in paragraph 2 of my letter No.C/1191 dated the
14th December, 1947. Y/e have been consulted in the
1 \ past and past precedent in the matter should be acted
upon. The correspondence about tho allowance for Shaikh
Da'ij (Political Agent's letter No.c/415-4/1 dated the
21st April, 1934, to tho Hon'ble the political Resident
refers) is a remarkable instance of tno extent to which
we were consulted.
5. I propose, if you agree, to discuss the Shaikh’s
action with him^ to counter his arguments in the manner
: .70.. . . 44A ,
The Hon'ble Lt-Col. Sir Rupert Hay,
K.C.I.E., C.S.I., i /'/• 3 • 48.
political Resident in the Persian Gulf,‘;. . .
Bahruin. i ry