Page 286 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 286
274 Records of Bahrain
D.O. NO. C/1191. The 14th of Docember, 1947.
Plea3e refer to the correspondence ending with
your demi-official letter No. 2022-S, dated the 26th
November, 1947, on the subject of the Bahrain Civil List.
2. I have had several conversations with Belgrave on
the subject, and he is quite as disturbed as we are by
the Shaikh's action and, indeed, before I had read the
papers, ho ask eg me what we were going to do about it.
He said, and I believe him, that this would never have
happened if ho had been here. He explained that what has
actually happened is that the Shaikh has increased the
Civil List from Rs.4,20,000 to Rs.6,30,000. in round
figures this two lakhs' increase which the State budget
has to boar is made up of
(a) 1 lakh which the Shaikh formerly paid
himself from his share of the oil royalty
(b) 1 lakh increases in the cost of living
Belgrave agreed with me that whatever excuse there
for adding (b) to the State budget, there is none whatsoever
for similar action in respect of (a), It seems to me
largely academic to argue as to whether there was a "principle"
that increases in the cost of living allowances of the A1
Khalifah should be met from the Ruler's 1/3 share of the
royalties. But it is clear from past correspondence that
we were consulted, expected to be consulted, gave advice, and
that the advice was taken in questions concerning Bahrain
Government finances, andjespecially in those concerning the
allowances of the Ruler and his family; The Shuikh has now
flouted our authority as exercised in the past in this way; .
it seems to me in keeping with this attitude as described in
my demi-official letter No.C/619, dated th.o 24th of May, 1947,
though whether one regards,£hls as "deterioration" in the
local position is, I suppose, largely a matter of a point of
view. ^
■“fa V /3. I am
The Hon'ble Lfc-Col. Sir Rupert Hay, I
..............2.U £<?. ............
K.C.I.E., C.S.I. J
Political Resident in the Persian Gulf Stei.,,
Bahrain. /.........Uh.-.MD ...