Page 279 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 279

Budgetary affairs                    267

            n.O. No.C/989.                       POLITICAL AGENCY
                                             The 1st of October,1947.

                      £*-(• j'/c
                   please refer to the correspondence resting
            with your demi-official letter N0.1662-S dated the
            18th September, 1947.
            2.     I enclose a copy of a letter from Smith reporting
            increases in the pay of Bahrain Government servants and
            of those on the Civil List, which have already been
            brought into effect. The increases in the allowances
            of those on the' Civil List require your approval, and
            I feel that they should not have been brought into
            effect in anticipation of it.
            3.     The increase in the wages of labour employed by
             the Bahrain Government (I understand it is -/12/- a day
            for working days only) und the increase in Dearness
            Allowance from 25# to 50# for persons drawing less than
            Rs.300/-p.m. are, in my view, Justified. An increase in
             the wages paid to labourers was inevitable; and the
            Bahrain Government were having difficulty in recruiting
            and retaining any but the least employable clerks on
            their previous scales of pay.
            4.     The increases in the higher paid posts and in
             the allowances of those on the Civil List are also
            justified by the general increase in the wages of ser­
            vants and in the cost of living generally that will
            result from the Arabian American Oil Company's action
            in increasing wages.
            5.     The additional purchasing power released by the
            Bahrain Government (and other employers will have to
            follow them) will increase the demand for goods already
            in short supply; and, with the increase in the cost of
            food, will aggravate the present inflation in Bahrain.
            It constitutes, therefore, an argument against undue
            relaxation of internal price controls; but the release
            of now purchasing power itself has been dictated by the
            action of the Arabian American Oil Company over which the
            Bahrain Government have no control.
            6.     I should bo grateful if I could be informed whether
            you approve of the increases in salaries and allowances
            already conceded by the Bahrain Government.


   The Hon'ble Lt-Col. A.C. Galloway,
            Political Resident in the Persian Gulf,
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