Page 277 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 277
Budgetary affairs 265
7. As regards puragraph 10. The Assistant State Engineer
works solely in the public Works Department and as such I have
left him under the superintendence of the Adviser. The State
Engineer has his hands full enough with new electrical instal
lations and on second thoughts I considered it advisable not
r altera-to press/the State arrangements in this respect. It might bo
ons in advisable to make a change later ufter the arrival of the new
State Engineer. The power House is now short of only one
electrician and efforts are being made to fill the Job. A now
oil gauger has been recruited and is working in Awali.
8. As regards 12 and 13. A considerable amount of equip
ment has arrived including a scarifier. You will yourself
huve seen that repairs to the roads are being undertaken.
9. As regards 16. This project has been dropped for
various reasons. One is the impossibility of maintaining
the supply of current while the engines were being transferred.
Duplication of the power house and engines is quite out of the
question. Another difficulty was that the main cables would
mostly have to be re-laid.
10. As regards 19. The Technical School has progressed
to the oxtent of acquiring a 300 amp. gasoline engine driven
generator and a 200 amp. electric powered welding generator,
an electric holder, 2 welding helmets complete with lens and
cover glasses, 2 pairs of welding gloves and 25 pounds each
of 5/32" and 3/32" welding electrodos. An oxygen acetylene
welding and cutting equipment was available, but not installed
owing to the element of danger in their operation. A truck in
poor working condition was givon by BAPC0 for dis-assembly • and
re-assembly work.
BAPC0 took up two scholarships in the Technical School
and paid some Rs.2,000/- for these.
11. As regards 20. The Director of customs has been given
control of his own budget.
12. As regards 21. Shaikh Salman bin Muhammad bin Isa
on his return from judicial training In Palestine has been
put on to this work.
13. As regards 24-28. The matter is under active con
sideration as you will see from the correspondence resting
with my printed Letter No.C/194 dated the 13th February, 1947.
I am awaiting a further communication from tho Adviser.
14. As regards 29. Relevant remarks are in paragraph 3 above.
I have nothing to add at tho moment except that t should like to
point out that to make a non-flnancially mindu. mn appreciative
of financial values is next to impossible. Belgrave may have
excellent qualities as an Adviser, but as financial adviser ho’
has only ono idea which he shares with tho Shaikh, and that is
to spend as little as possiblo and that little only when driven
to it.
A ... A3 regards 30. The now customs sheds are going up fast.
A matter which I now propose to tako up is that of drainage.
/Tho place is