Page 268 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 268

256                        Records of Bahrain

                                 Advisor's demi-official letter NO.1750-9A dated 15th August,
                                   1946, to Captain II. H.H. Banco, political Agent, Bahrain.
                                        I wish to refer to the question of His Highness's
                                 privy purse and the State Civil List which came into
                                 existence when the late ruler, H.H. Shaikh Hamad, became
                                 De puty  Ruler.  The civil list was-intended to cover the
                                 Ru ler'  s personal expenditure and to provide salaries to
                                 members of the Ruling Family. The civil list, in which
                                 I includo an item then described as "Religious Festivals
                                 and Summer Moves" which was also paid to the Ruler, was
                                 as follows:-
                                        year            civil list      total revenue
                                         1344            4.40.000        10,62,000
                                         1345            4,53,600        11.92.000
                                         1346            4.62.000        12.40.000
                                         iq47            '5,04,000       12.16.000
                                         1348            5.08.000        11,34,000
                                         (In 1348 the civil list was limited to not more
                                          than 5,00,000 and in 1349 reductions of 10#
                                          were made in many cases owing to the financial
                                         1349             4,88,500        8,18,000
                                         1350             4,34,700        7.96.000
                                         1351             4,13,800        6.84.000
                                         (Shaikh Isa, who was in receipt of an allowance
                                                 died in 1351.)
                                         1352             3,76,700         7,26,000
                                         (In 1362 there was a further 2£# cut in the civil
                                                                         list. )
                                         1353             3.79.000         8,87,000
                                         1354             3.92.000        13,43,000
                                             (Cuts in the civil list restored)
                                         1355             4,34,600        16.47.000
                                         1356             4,45,700        43.36.000
                                          1357            4,45,700        48.11.000
                                          1358            4.38.000        45.78.000
                                          1359            4.34.000        49,00,000
                                          1360            4.34.000        44.32.000
                                          1361            4.28.000        39.81.000
                                               (H.H. Shaikh Hamad died in 1361.)
                                          1362            4,24,000        54,74,000
                                          1363            4,24,000        55.00. 000
                                          1364            4,24,000        64.00. 000
                                          (His Highnoss receives Rs.12,500 per month
                                                from the civil list.)
                                          It will be seen from these figuros that at a time
                                   when the revenue of the State was very much less than it
                                   is now the civil list was about 75,000 higher. His High­
                                   ness now considers that in view of the increased revenue
                                   of the State, apart Trora the Oil royalty, the civil list
                                   should be increased. My own suggestion is that it should
                                   revert to 4£ lakhs or 5 lakhs, if this were done there

                                                                          /would bo no.. • •
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