Page 266 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 266
254 Records of Bahrain
COMP IDiiiNTlAL. Offioo of the
Political Rea id on tv Persian Gulf,
Comp, Bahrain,
D.O.Ho. 0/203. the 8th J une 1946.
Please refer to your deml-of f lo lal letter No.C/676
dated the 4th June 1940*
2. 1 thoroughly agree with your orltlolams but would note
that my predeoeeeor hao reoent ly looken to Belgrare very plainly
about hie poor budgetting and tho lack of progreeo that le being
made in the State and that what le requirod now le a toady preaeure
to bring about an improvement. 4’lth th le end in view 1 agree
to the action propoted in paragraphe 0 and 10 of your letter.
3. With reference to paragraph 0 of your letter I am
lnollned to think It will be better to adopt the heading® tuggetted
by the Government of India in their letter to which you refer
eepeolally at the Flnanolal Advleer hat already beon adviced to
adopt thoee head Inge. There are few produotive schemes and the
bulk of the tavlngt thould therefore be tet aside for oapltal
expenditure on unproductive eohemec. 3tepa should then be taken
to enaure that the money to set aside it spent for the benefit of
the 3tate and the publio on publio works, public health eto.
4. 1 have been particularly impressed ainoe 1 oame to
Bahrain by the extremely bad atate of the roadt wh loh causes lost
both to the 3tate and the publio owing to the unneoeetary wear
and tear on motor transport. 1 would ask that the Financial
Advisor should bo preaoed to improve the state of the roads a*
soon as posslblo.
C. 'W
6, I observe from paragraph 13 of the note recorded by my
predeoesoor on his dlaouaoione with Belgrave vide enclosure to
Resldonoy Prlntod Letter No. 410-3'dutsd the 6th April 1946 that
Belgrave stated that the Muharraa swing bridge had not yet paid
for its initial ooot but that this position would shortly be
reaohed itfid that it was then proposed to make the bridge free of
all tolls. If you seo no objeotlon would you kindly ascertain
when this position is likely to be reaohed. It appears to me
that in view of its satisfactory flnanolal position the atate
could well afford to forego these tolls at onoe. If it does
not do this it should at least put the road aoroso the causeway
into a propor condition. Its present state is disgraceful.
6. I see from paragraph 6 of your letter that revenue
from lntorest on the Rooerve is expected to drop to the extent
of Rs. 1,30,000 during 1366. This appeuro odd oapeolally lo
view of tho big increase in the Reserve and I should be grateful
for an explanation.
Lt.-Colonel A.C.Oalloway, O.B.Jf • •
Polltloal Agent,
BAHRAIN. :> / „ llUs\