Page 262 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
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i                           ‘250                      Records of Bahrain

                                                    THE AGENCY
                                                      BAHRAIN        S.W
                                 ABency letter Ho.C/393 dated the 21st March, J946.
                                 7.      The Financial Adviser has budgeted for an increased
                                  expenditure on public health and public works of Rs.1,95,500
                                  and Rs.2,15,000 respectively over his 1364 estimates. He has
                                  also budgeted for an expenditure of Rs.2,00,000 on motor
                                 vehicles, to offset this his estimates for1 State protection,
                                 Municipalities and Agriculture have been reduced by Rs.20,000,
                                  Rs.9,000 and Rs.6,000 respectively compared with last year's
                                  estimates. The disbandment of the Special Police will
                                  account for sonic of the drop in expenditure estimates on State
                                  protection. He has also abandoned Poor Relief, but the .i
                                  subsidising of foodstuffs will continuo.             S ^
                                 8.      Further points for consideration are that the yearly
                                  statements received from the Financial Adviser, which in
                                 . themsolvcs as already pointed out give an unbalanced picture >
   !!                            | are not signed. Neither do wc know that the Auditor has
                                 actually passed them. The accounts are audited annually,
                                 paragraph 29 of my demi-official lottcr No.c/259  dated the
                                 6th March, 1946, to sir Geoffroy prior is, I regret to say,
                                 wrong, and presumably the auditor does sign the statements.
                                  For us to accept an unsignod statement forwarded under
                                  cover of a demi-official letter (I notice that in the past
                                  ‘le signed them) from the Financial Adviser is open to
                                  criticism, x enclose copies of this year's statement, and
                                  the covering letter. It is valueless to spoculuto as to
                                  why the Financial Adviser does not tako this single precaution
                                 ’ 2iInsoir» but he does not and I suggost that I should tell him
                                  that we require to see the final yearly statement of accounts
                                  as passed and signed by the auditors.                 Cj 2>f)
                                  9. Ac regards accountancy staff, there has boon consider­
                                  able controversy concerning tho late incumbent of the Important
    I                             post of accountant, and now that Mr. Draganza, on whom the
                                  Financial Adviser pinned his faith - vide paragraph 3 of tho
    I                             ?2?i0sure to Pelly's demi-official lottcr No. pl8 dated the
                                  19th August, 1945, and in which connection Cir plaf Caroc's
                                  note enclosed with Mr. Croning's demi-official lottcr No.635-3
                                  of the 24th August, 1937, is of interest on this and the
                                  general question dealt with in this letter - has gone (this
                                  I learnt through an application for a liquor permit and not
                                  through any act of co-opcration on Belgrave's part) is the
                                  time to consider the adequate filling of the post. To my
                                  query regarding his replacement and the ability of the new
     ’                            incumbent efficiently to perform the duties of accountant,
     : 1                          Belgrave has replied as follows?-                      p /I
                                         "I propose appointing Syed Mahmood Alawi to the
                                          post of Accountant which hus become vacant owing
                                          to Mr. Braganza's retirement subject to His High­
                                          ness' approval.
                                          °y®d Mahmood has been in the service of the Dahruin
                                          Government for about 17 years, he has held the post
                                          oi Accountant and ulso that of Head clerk and aftor
                                          discussing the matter with our Auditor I am satis-
                                          iu i I* bc suitable and capable of carrying out
                                          tne duties which were undertaken by Mr. uraganza."
                                                                                  /10.   it....

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