Page 257 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 257

Budgetary affairs                     245

           mention that IX1 o Hi(jhnoaof father was quite unablo to
           ooraprehend a budnot expreaoed in figures, and it was
           neconoary to redraft them for him in the form of a
           letter. Pinully it nppoura to me that thu proposals
           in this paragraph depend upon the ont lieu tad 11 fo of the
           oil fioldo. Ho far an I am uwaro no annum to ontimato
           io available, and ouch .Information an I hava gleaned
           pluaes it between Lb end 60 yearn,    It will bo oeoni
                      that, the matter io not no nimplo as it appearo*
           therefore i
                5.   I thought it would bo uooful to go over tho
           odminietration of Bahrain with Ur. Belgravc and draw hia
           attention to tho dofooto both in this and in the budget.
           I did thin on my laet vieit, after carefully studying
           tho ground with the' Political Agent, and enclose a oopy
           of tho noto 1 recorded after theoo disouonions•    It will
           bo ooan thut the y/holc administrative maohlnory of the
           State requlreo oonoidoratIon, and in oonv? caoes, rooon-
           ntruction, and that It must be admitted thut we have not
           yet oucooodcd in maintaining the requireraento of the
           Government of India.    I can only a«y that the matter io
           being pursued to the hoot of our ability, and amongnt
           many other prcoocupationn, and that where It io found
           possible to give effcot to tho recommendations of the
           Government of India this v/ill be done.

                                      I have the honour to bo,
                                   Your moot obodiont oervant,
                                     3d. OJCOIWRICY TUTOR.
                                   Political Resident, Porelftn Gulf.

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