Page 258 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 258

2*16                       Records of Bahrain

                                                                      The custom House, Bahrain.
                             D.O. No.9.                                    21sU May, 1946.
                                    Reference attached, to which I have given caroful considera­
                              tion, I am of the opinion that it would not be advantageous to the
                             Government to attempt institute a Free port System here at Bahrain.
                                     Firstly I do not think the quantity of goods imported under
                              this system would ever reach sufficient volume, to warrant the fore­
                              going of Transit duty on this typo of cargo.
                                     Secondly it would be necessary to erect a number of large new
                              warehouses for this purpose.
                                     It is undoubtedly my wish, and I think yours too, to endeavour
                              devise suitable means of encouraging and inducing trade to Bahrain,
                              to the best possible advantage of all concerned, I of course am
                              primarily concerned in the upkeep of Customs revenues, but fully
                              realise the importance of making concessions to traders to encourage
                              them increase their business and to centre same here.
                                     I have, ns you are already aware, been considering the
                              possibilities of introducing a "Bond" system, but in the absence
                              of stamp duties, etc., this system also does not appear to be
                                     As you are aware, there is a system in force at present where­
                              by cargo if marked R.E.and transhipped rc±i± within 20 days of arrival
                              in Bahrain to certain mainland ports of Eastern Saudi Arabia only,
                              pays only 2? duty and import Yard charges.
                                     If transhipped direct from steamer or craft to these ports
                              the cargo if over 100 packages pays 1-jK duty only, and ?A duty on iy
                              if under 100 packages.
                                     This system does not give merchants very much time to explore
                              the markets and confines their activities to the needs of Eastern
                              Saudi Arabia, which are not great, and in,this connection, sight
                              must not be lost of the possible opening up of the port of Has
                              Tanura as a commercial cargo port.
                                     I would, therefore, recommend for your consideration that
                              the above system be abolished and the following substituted:-
                                     "All cargo marked Bahrain in Transit, if landed,
                                     • maybe re-shipped within 90 days to any destination
                                      whatever, against payment of 1% duty and import Yard
                                      charges only.
                                      If transhipped direct from steamer or craft to any
                                      destination, this cargo will pay 1% transhipment
                                      duty only."
                                     This 3hould give merchants sufficient time and scope to
                              find suitable markets for their wares.
                                     Should the above bo agreed to, it could come into force,
                              after the erection of the new shed on the pier.
                                                                       Yours sincerely,
                                                                          Sd./- G.'V.Il. SMITH
                         C. Dalryraplo Bolgrave, Esq., C.B.E.,
                                 Adviser to the Bahrain Govcrnmont,
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